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Few academicians thought they'd live to see the day when all students wanting to enter a university could do so. But the day has finally come. Future survival of universities depends on whether or not they can improve their classes and satisfy their students. To that end, we should analyze good lectures and share information on all lectures with each other. This essay introduces two excellent classes of Bunkyo University's Human Faculty, with careful studies showing what makes students feel satisfied with their university lectures. In the first example the professor gives his students activities to complete during his lessons, which make the students feel like they are making the lectures with the professor. As well, he hands out the results of their work as well as answers to their questions from the previous lesson. As a result, the students find his lectures interactive. The second lecture is a more typical example of a teacher who pleases his students with fascinating speeches intertwined with several examples. He says he uses "NLP theory". Generally, it is difficult to communicate with so many students in such a big room, but "NLP enables such communication", he says. His lessons foster active learning among his students, and they feel that they themselves can accomplish what he speaks about in class. At first we should learn from excellent model lectures, and show accountability for giving marks and home works, etc.
- 2007-12-20
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