登校拒否児童・生徒の実態とその発達的考察 : 全国実態調査に基づいて
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In order to determine the occurrence rate of school refusal at primary schools and junior high schools, different grades as well as boys and girls treated separately, we conducted a research in the 47 prefectures of Japan. We mailed a questionnaire to the local governor's bureaus in all prefectures. Items included the number of boys and girls, total number of children with long-term absence due to illness, poor economic conditions, school refusal and other reasons in each grade of all elementary and junior high schools within the prefecture. We received answers from 40 prefectures altogether but only in 4 of them were the grades as well as the sexes treated separately. Eight questionnares were excluded from the analysis because of incomplete recordings. The main results are as follows: 1. The number of students who refused to go to school in the 4 prefectures where different grades and the sexes were treated separately was 6,691 (primary school: 775, junior high school: 5916). 2. The average occurrence rate of school refusal in the four prefectures. was 0.038% in primary schools and 0.598% in junior high schools. 3. The boy to girl ratio in primary schools was about 4:3 and in junior high schools about 5:4, with a trend of the boys always having a higher rate of occurrence. 4. The rate of school refusal showed a gradual increase from first to third or fourth grade and it increased dramatically at 4th or 5th grade of the primary school. This tendency was stronger among boys than girls. 5. The rate increased darastically from the 6th grade of elementary school to the first grade of junior high school, and later it increased linearly as a function of grade. 6. In the case of primary school students, we noticed that in those prefectures where the number of children was under 120,000, there appeared an inverse relarionship between the number of children and the occurrence rate, and tlen in prefectures where the number of children fell between 120,000 and 165,000. the occurrence rate was roughly fixed, while in those prefectures where the number of students exceeded 165,000, the occurrence rate trend to increase proportionately with the higher numbers of children. These results suggest that the emergence of school refusal-on the grounds of unsatisfactory development in earlier periods of life-might be closely connected with the unstable mental states during the critical shifting periods of development, the so-called periods of crisis (Trotz-phase) around the age of 9 and 14.
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