- 論文の詳細を見る
The author tried an experimental voyage, from Kobe to Marseilles, during 5 Dec. 1972 to 2 Jan. 1973, via Pacific and Atiantic Oceans and Mediterranean sea, by a cargo boat of 10,000 tons class of Mitsui-OSK Lines, to make an assessment test a new made Automatical Hybrid Navigation Equipment, connected with Omega and Dead-Reckoning, which was developed by Japan Radio Co., Ltd. This equipment mooves in full automation with a computer, conducting Omega receiver, DRPC, chart plotter, printer, etc.. As for the nuisance skywave correction, it is not necessary to consult with the SWC tables after observations. It corrects itself in the computer by a simulation program, and one can get the final result of position fix, on a printed paper and a plotted point on a chart, in automatical procedure, in every 10 seconds. The Dead Reckoning Position Calculator (DRPC) offers its results in every 1 minute, by getting the informations from a gyro-compass and a log. The Omega position and the DR position will be compared each other in the equipment in every 10 seconds, and if it finds over 4 nautical miles difference between them, it makes an alarm, and the observer can notice the trouble and cheque the equipment. The DR will start from the Omega position in every 15 minutes again and again. So, the alarm means it should happened some troubles on DRPC or the Omega receivings. By the experiments, the author investigated as follows. (1) Confirmed the benefit of Hybrid System. (2) Confirmed the utility value of the automatic track plotter. (3) Evaluated the fixed positions of the equipment.
- 1973-07-30
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