ララチェの城壁の実施案が成立する経緯 : フェリペ3世のスペインによるアフリカ北西部における軍事拠点作り(1)
- 論文の詳細を見る
This paper analyzes, for the first time, the whole process of the planning of the defensive walls realized in Larache, Morocco, the enclave Spain of Felipe III possessed in 1610, by referring the related documents in Coleccion Aparici. The final plan was based on the idea of Bautista Antonelli, one of the most important military engineers in that period. And this paper shows that the most important factor in that process was to make a project which can be constructed with low cost and two conditions observed in the original plan of Antonelli were not seen in the final plan. Antonelli modified his original plan according to the wish of the Court which was concerned about its cost. At that period, the Spanish government was trying to reduce the expenditure for military budget, including that of the fortification, in order to solve its financial problem. Therefore, we can regard the process of the planning of the fortification in Larache as a case that shows the general feature of Spanish fortification in the first quarter of the 17th century.
- 社団法人日本建築学会の論文
- 2008-01-30
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