日本語教育を通した大学間の協同・連携を考える : 2006年武漢大学出張報告
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During a study tour to Bukan University in March 2006 we (leading instructor Prof. Misumi, assistant Sogabe) held from March 13^<th> to 15^<th> five sessions of Japanese language instruction, which were attended by a total 116 students, ranging from first-year students to graduate students. We had the participants evaluate each lesson and inquired about their needs for language study in Japan. As the result of this survey we have to examine two questions: 1 How do teaching methods and materials used for Japanese language courses at Japanese universities effect Chinese students? 2 What kind of Japanese study programs and exchange programs are necessary to further strengthen the relations between universities?
- 徳島大学の論文
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- 日本語教育を通した大学間の協同・連携を考える : 2006年武漢大学出張報告
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