日本事情「吉野川プロジェクト」 : 参加者の視点から見直す
- 論文の詳細を見る
For foreign students who live in the Tokushima prefecture and study Japanese culture and society, it is necessary to understand the area that is close to them and to communicate freely with the people who live there. Therefore we selected the Yoshinogawa, a beautiful first-grade river, which is also a symbol of the prefecture, as a topic for our project work. We had the foreign students together with a group of Japanese students involved with people, things, and society that are connected with the Yohino River. By using them as resources for the project work the students were able to get in contact with the environment surrounding the Yoshinogawa. What they learned in this process will help them their campus life. Through questionnaires we asked some participants what they thought of the Yoshinogawa Project as a project work and what kind of effect or significance it had for them. After evaluating the results of this inquiry we are considering several improvements in our project work.
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