「日本人への提言」が問いかけるもの : NHK「視点・論点」を教材とした日本語学習
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This report is about learning activities by utilizing the daily NHK television commentary Siten-Ronten, where specialists discuss current problems in an easy to understand manner. The teacher rearranged the text concentrating on two goals: 1) to understand the topics 2) to learn different Japanese speech styles. Finally the learners chose topics, which they discussed in writing, expressing themselves strongly and freely. These compositions were shown to Japanese helpers, who gave written comments. We try to show what role the teacher could play and what can be achieved by incorporating native speakers and foreign learners in a mutual projectwork.
- 徳島大学の論文
- 日本事情「吉野川プロジェクト」 : 参加者の視点から見直す
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- 日本語教育を通した大学間の協同・連携を考える : 2006年武漢大学出張報告
- 「日本人への提言」が問いかけるもの : NHK「視点・論点」を教材とした日本語学習
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- 交流と対話を通した大学間の協同・連携を考える : 2007年武漢大学徳島社会・文化体験研修
- 双方向型プロジェクトワークの役割 : 「日本人への提言」作成とその評価