Influence of MgO Crystal Surface Orientation on Its Wettability by Molten Al(Materials, Metallurgy & Weldability)
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The wettability of three different oriented MgO single crystals, (100), (110) and (111), by molten Al was measured by an improved sessile drop method in a purified Ar-3%H_2 atmosphere at temperatures between 1073 and 1473K in order to determine the effect of the MgO substrate crystallographic orientation. Although the reaction products at the Al-MgO interfaces consist of somewhat different forms of Al_2O_3 phases, the wettability of all these substrates by liquid Al is similar. As a consequence, this system displays almost no anisotropy. Some plausible explanations based on several hypotheses are provided to account for this result.
- 大阪大学の論文
NOGI Kiyoshi
Joining and Welding Research Institute, Osaka University
FUJII Hidetoshi
Osaka University
NOGI Kiyoshi
Osaka University
Nogi Kiyashi
Osaka University
Nogi K
Joining And Welding Research Institute Osaka University
Nogi Kiyoshi
Osaka Univ. Osaka Jpn
Osaka University
Osaka University
Joining and Welding Research Institute, Osaka University
Shen Ping
Joining And Welding Research Institute Osaka University
Fujii Hidetoshi
Osaka Univ.
Fujii H
Sanyo Electric Co. Ltd.
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