NOGI Kiyoshi
Joining and Welding Research Institute, Osaka University
Naito Makio
Joining and Welding Research Institute, Osaka University
Naito Makio
Joining And Welding Res. Inst. Osaka Univ.
Naito Makio
Hosokawa Micron Corp.
Okawa Hajime
Research And Development Laboratory Japan Fine Ceramics Center
Nogi K
Joining And Welding Research Institute Osaka University
Nogi Kiyoshi
Osaka Univ. Osaka Jpn
FUKUI Takehisa
Hosokawa Powder Technology Research Institute
OHARA Satoshi
Japan Fine Ceramics Center
OHARA Satoshi
Research and Development Laboratory, Japan Fine Ceramics Center (JFCC)
Research and Development Laboratory, Japan Fine Ceramics Center (JFCC)
HOTTA Tadashi
Research and Development Laboratory, Japan Fine Ceramics Center
Naito Makio
Joining And Wielding Research Institute Osaka University
HOTTA Tadashi
Japan Fine Ceramics Center
Nogi Kiyoshi
Joining And Welding Researc Institute Osaka University
Ohara Satoshi
Institute Of Multidisciplinary Research For Advanced Materials Tohoku University
Ohara Satoshi
Research And Development Laboratory Japan Fine Ceramics Center
堀田 禎
Research and Development Laboratory, Japan Fine Ceramics Center
大川 元
Research and Development Laboratory, Japan Fine Ceramics Center
- 多層ディスク-マイクロギャップ構造を有するコンパクトMR流体クラッチの研究開発
- Influence of Welding Parameters and Shielding Gas Composition on GTA Weld Shape
- Weld Shape Variation in Ar-O_2 and Ar-CO_2 Shielded GTA Welding(Physics, Processes, Instruments & Measurements)
- Interaction between shielding gas compositions and welding parameters in determining GTA weld shape
- 412 Effect of Welding Parameters on Weld Shape in Ar-O_2 Shielded GTA Welding
- Friction Stir Welding of Zr_Cu_Ni_5Al_ Bulk Metallic Glass
- Electron Beam and Gas Tungsten Arc Welding under Microgravity(Materials, Metallurgy & Weldability)
- Effects of Oxygen Additions to Argon Shielding Gas on GTA Weld Shape
- 308 Mechanisms of Weld Shape Variation in CO_2 Shielding Gas Addition GTA Welding
- Marangoni Convection and Welding Penetration in A-TIG Welding(Physics, Processes, Instruments & Measurements, INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM OF JWRI 30TH ANNIVERSARY)
- 220 Relationship between GTA Weld Shape and O_2 Content in Argon Shielding Gas
- Oxide Flux Quantity and Size Effects on the Penetration Depth in A-TIG Welding(Materials, Metallurgy & Weldability)
- Weld Penetration and Marangoni Convection with Oxide Fluxes in GTA Welding
- 324 Effect of Oxide Fluxes on the Penetration Depth in GTAW
- Application of Bayesian Neural Network to Materials Diagnosis and Life Assessment(Reliability)
- Marangoni Convection and Gas Tungsten Arc Weld Shape Variations on Pure Iron Plates
- Rupture Locations of Friction Stir Welded Joints of AA2017-T351 and AA6061-T6 Aluminum Alloys(Materials, Metallurgy & Weldability, INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM OF JWRI 30TH ANNIVERSARY)
- 118 Comparative Study on Friction Stir Weldability of Different-Thickness Aluminum Alloys
- Tensile Properties and Their Heterogeneity in Friction Stir Welded Joints of a Strain Hardened Aluminum Alloy(Materials, Metallurgy & Weldability)
- 454 Effects of Welding Parameters on the Tensile Properties and Fracture Locations of Friction-Stir Welded Joints of 1050-H24 Aluminum Alloy
- Measurement of the Density of Ni-Cr Alloy by a Modified Pycnometric Method
- Wetting Phenomena at High Temperature (Part III)
- Surface Hardening of Cast Irons by Friction Stir Processing
- Influence of MgO Crystal Surface Orientation on Its Wettability by Molten Al(Materials, Metallurgy & Weldability)
- Wetting of α-Al_2O_3 Single Crystals by Molten Al(Materials, Metallurgy & Weldability, INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM OF JWRI 30TH ANNIVERSARY)
- Development of a Convenient Drop Tube System for the Measurement of Thermophysical Properties(Materials, Metallurgy & Weldability, INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM OF JWRI 30TH ANNIVERSARY)
- Oscillation analysis of an electromagnetic levitated droplet for determination of its surface tension(Physics, Processes, Instruments & Measurements)
- Composite Powders Processed by an Advanced Mechanical Method for the Fabrication of Cermet Anodes of Solid Oxide Fuel Cells
- Low Temperature Formation of MgB_2 from Mg/B Composite Particles
- Ni-YSZ Composite Particles Synthesized by a Dry Mechanical Method for SOFC Anode Material
- Morphology and Performance of SOFC Anode Fabricated from NiO/YSZ Composite Particles
- CoO/Ni複合粒子を原料としたMCFCカソードの構造と性能
- Wetting Phenomena at High Temperature (Part II)
- Wetting Phenomena at High Temperature-Part 1
- Friction Stir Welding of Ultrafine Grained Interstitial Free Steels
- Effect of Gravity on Arc Shape in GTA Welding
- Weld Formation in Microgravity
- Wetting, Adhesion and Adsorption in Al-Si/(0112) α-Alumina System at 1723K
- Enhanced Models of Heat Sources in Welding and Plasma Spraying (2-nd Report) : Examples of Thermal Plasma Models
- Enhanced Method of Heat Sources in Welding and Plasma Spraying (1st Report) : Overview of Simple Thermal Plasma Models
- 02-P-30 Preparation of Three-Dimensional Conduction Pattern of Si_3N_4-TiN System by Ink Jet Printing
- Fabrication of Bi(Pb)SrCaCuO Thin Film of High-T_c Phase
- Effect of Oxygen Partial Pressure on the Surface Tension of Molten Silicon and Its Temperature Coefficient
- Influence of Copper Addition to α-Fe_2Si_5 on Thermoelectric Properties of Iron-Silicides Produced by Spark-Plasma Sintering
- Influence of Copper Addition in the Rapid Production of β-FeSi_2 by Spark-Plasma Sintering
- Nonlinear Oscillations of Molten Silicon Drops in Electromagnetic Levitator
- Transformation in Stir Zone of Friction Stir Welded Carbon Steels with Different Carbon Contents
- High Speed-High Quality Friction Stir Welding of Austenitic Stainless Steel
- Crystal Growth Control of ZnO by Anti-ZnO Peptide
- Formation of strontium-doped lanthanum manganite (La_Sr_MnO_3) by mechanical milling without media balls
- Simultaneous Synthesis and Self-assembly of Cyclic Diphenylalanine at Hydrothermal Condition
- Microcapsule assembly of single-walled carbon nanotubes from spray-dried hollow microspheres
- SOFC特性に及ぼす化学エッチングの効果
- Efficient dispersing and shortening of super-growth carbon nanotubes by ultrasonic treatment with ceramic balls and surfactants
- Towards sustained delivery of small molecular drugs using hydroxyapatite microspheres as the vehicle
- Immobilization of highly-dispersed single-walled carbon nanotubes in biocompatible and water-soluble solid matrix
- Biomass-assisted Hydrothermal Synthesis of Ceria Nanoparticle : A New Application of Lignin as a Bio-nanopool
- Disassembly of Organosolv Lignin in Supercritical Fluid : Phenol as a Suppressor for Repolymerization
- Novel co-precipitation derived nanostructured LSM-YSZ cathode for intermediate temperature solid oxide fuel cells
- Formation of Porous Fumed Silica Coating on the Surface of Glass Fibers by a Dry Mechanical Processing Technique
- Structure of strength-limiting flaws in alumina ceramics made by the powder granule compaction process
- Characterization of Large Defects in Alumina Green Compacts with Liquid Immersion-Polarized Light Microscopy(Physics, Processes, Instruments & Measurements)
- Relevance of internal structures to the fracture strength of injection-molded and sintered silicon nitride ceramics
- Effect of calcination of the mixture of alumina powder and aqueous magnesium solution on the microstructure and properties of sintered bodies
- Effect of dewaxing procedures of cold isostatically pressed silicon nitride ceramics on its microstructure and fracture strength
- Relevance of the Fracture Strength to Process-Related Defects in Alumina Ceramics
- A Study on Matrix of LiAlO2 Powder Coated with Cobalt Oxide for Molten Carbonate Fuel Cell (特集 New Trends in Molten Salt Chemistry and Electrochemistry)
- 低溶解性コバルト材料被覆によるMCFCニッケルカソ-ドの溶解度低減
- Change in Conductivity of Yttria Stabilized Zirconia (特集 導電性セラミック材料)
- Development of a Compact Magnetorheological Fluid Clutch for Human-Friendly Actuator
- Direct observation of powder agglomerated structure in ceramic slurries using optical microscopy
- Development of a Geometrical Model for Optimizing Porous Anode Microstructure of Solid Oxide Fuel Cells
- Optical Polarization Technique for Observing Filler Packing-structure in the Ceramic-powder Filled Resin Polymer Composite Systems
- Effect of mechanical stirring of YBaCuO mixed powder during heat treatment on superconductive properties
- Effect of process parameters on the electrochemical properties of mechanically prepared composite powders for solid oxide fuel cells
- Electrochemical and mechanical properties of solid oxide fuel cell Ni/YSZ anode fabricated from NiO/YSZ composite powder (Feature: Functions and materials design at interfaces)
- Electrochemical and mechanical properties of solid oxide fuel cell Ni/YSZ anode fabricated from NiO/YSZ composite powder
- The effects of preparation conditions on mechanically fabricated composite particles for solid oxide fuel cells
- 多層ディスク-マイクロギャップ構造を有するコンパクトMR流体クラッチの研究開発
- Influence of Hydrogen Induced Thermal Pinch on Nanoparticle Formation in Arc Plasma