Raman Spectra of Na_2O-SiO_2-Al_2O_3 and K_2O-SiO_2-Al_2O_3 Glasses
Osaka University
Tsunawaki Yoshiaki
Osaka University
Tsunawaki Yoshiaki
Osaka Sangyo Univ.
- Heat of Fusion of Barium Fluoride by Cryoscopic Measurement
- Melting Points of Inorganic Fluorides
- Structural Investigation of Glass System Na_2O-Ga_2O_3-SiO_2
- Wetting Phenomena at High Temperature (Part II)
- Wetting Phenomena at High Temperature-Part 1
- Electric Field Assisted Treatment of Various Plasma Sprayed ZrO_2 Coatings(Physics, Process, Instruments & Measurements)
- Fundamental Considerations on Plasma Sprayed Ceramic Coating (Report IV) : Effects of Mullite Addition on Alumina
- Fundamental Considerations on Plasma Sprayed Ceramic Coating (Report III) : Effects of Zircon Addition on Zirconia
- Fundamental Considerations on Plasma Sprayed Ceramic Coating (Report I) : Problems of Plasma Sprayed Zirconia
- Characterization of Titanium Compound Films Deposited by Plasma-CVD
- Improvement of Plasma Sprayed CeO_2-ZrO_2 Coatings by Heat Treatment(Surface Processing)
- Behavior of Manganese in Welding Fume (I)(Materials, Metallurgy & Weldability)
- Effect of Welding Speed on Oxygen and Nitrogen Contents in SAW Metals
- Bonding of Al_2O_3 to SS41 Steel with LPC Plasma Sprayed Cu-Ti Two-layer Coatings(Surface Processing)
- Formation of YBaCu-O System Superconductor by Thermal Spraying(Materials, Metallugy & Weldability)
- Photoanodic Properties of Plasma Sprayed TiO_2 Coatings(Surface Processing)
- Structural Investigation on Ti^ Ion in Soda-silicate Slag(MATERIALS METALLURGY AND WELDABILITY)
- State of Ti^ ion in Soda-silicate Slags under Reducing Atmospheres
- Pressure Welding of Aluminum to Titanium
- Diffusion Welding of Mild Steel to Aluminium
- Some Considerations on State of Fluorine Ion in Flux (Report II)
- Some Considerations on State of Flourine Ion in Flux
- ESR study on Welding Fume(Materials, Metallurgy & Weldability)
- Silicon Nitride Joining with Silicate Glass Solder (I)(Materials, Metallurgy & Weldability)
- Structural Investigation of Molten Alkali Silicates by Raman Spectroscopy(MATERIALS METALLURGY AND WELDABILITY)
- Vaporization Behavior in the Lithium Oxide-Aluminum Oxide System
- TSEE from Aluminas and Spinels Subjected to Ar^+-Ion Irradiation : Exoemission Associated with Radiation Dosimetry
- Thermally Stimulated Exoelectron Emission of Plasma-Sprayed Zirconia Coatings : Exoemission Associated with Surfaces and Films
- Microstructure of Plasma-Sprayed Yttria-Stabilized Zirconia(Materials, Metallurgy & Weldability)
- ESR Studies on Cd^+ Centers in Alkali-silicate Slag
- Fundamental Investigation on Electroslag Welding (Report III) : The Effects of CaF_2 Addition to (CaO)-MnO-SiO_2 Fluxes on Inclusion Morphology
- Fundamental Investigation on Electro-slag Welding (Report II) : Inclusions in Steel Welded using (CaO)-MnO-SiO_2 Fluxes
- Fundamental Investigation on Electro-slag Welding : Flux Chemistry
- Reaction and Interfacial Characterization on Joining of Zirconia to Carbon Steel(Materials, Metallurgy & Weldability)
- Reaction of Zirconia with Carbon Steel in a Vacum Condition
- Effect of Heat-treatment on ESR Spectra of Fe^ Ions in Lead Silicate Slags(Materials, Metallurgy & Weldability)
- ESR spectra of Fe^ Ions in lead silicate slags
- Structural Investigation of Hydrogen in Calcium Silicate and Fluorosilicate Slags
- State Analysis of Hydrogen in Calcium Fluorosilicate Slag
- Silicate Structure and Redox Reaction of Manganese Ion
- Study of Silicate Structure with Molar Refractivity
- Behaviour of Manganese in Oxide of Fe-Mn-O System
- Structural Analysis of Molten Na_2BeF_4 and NaBeF_3 by X-ray Diffraction(Materials, Metallurgy, Weldability)
- Structural Analysis of Molten Na_2BeF_4 by X-ray Diffraction
- Self-Diffusion of Sodium and Potassium in Molten Flinak
- Self-Diffusion of Fluorine and Lithium in Molten Flinak
- Self-Diffusion of Lithium in Molten LiBeF_3
- Self-Diffusion of Lithium in Molten Li_2BeF_4
- Self-Diffusion of Fluorine in Molten LiBeF_3
- Microscopic Observation of Metal Surfaces Sputtered by Argon Ions
- Preliminary Study of Oxidation Process of Fe-Cr-Al Alloys Using IMA (Report I)
- Ion Sputtering Characteristics of Oxygen Species
- Study on Minor Elements in Weld Steel with Submerged Arc Welding Using Fluxes of the System (CaO)-MnO-SiO_2
- Mossbauer Studies on Iron in Calcium-Silicate Glasses
- Study on Slags of CaO-SiO_2-Fe_2O_3 System by Mossbauer Spectroscopy
- Oxygen and Nitrogen contents of Multilayer Weld Metal by Submerged Arc Welding
- Submerged Arc Welding in the Ar-N_2 Mixture Gas Atmosphere : Various Gas Atmosphere Report 3
- Structural Study of Liquid Iron by X-Ray Diffraction
- The Structure of Liquid Copper
- The Structure of Mercury
- Behaviour of Transition Metal Ions in Slag (Report II) : State of Titan Ion in K_2O-SiO_2-TiO_2 System
- Behaviour of Transition Metal Ions in Slag (Report I) : State of Titan Ion in CaO-SiO_2-TiO_2 System
- Application of the Surface Technology to the Elucidation of Various Welding Defects
- Behaviour of Precipitates in Bond Region of Overlay Welding (Report III)
- Behaviour of Precipitates in Bond Region of Overlay Welding (Report II)
- Behaviour of Precipitates in Bond Region of Overlay Welding (Report I)
- Characterization on Surface of Plasma-Sprayed CoCrAlY Coatings(Materials, Metallurgy & Weldability)
- Joning of Zirconia Using Platinum Film and Characterization of Its Interface(Materials, Metallurgy & Weldability)
- Corrosion of Hastelloy-N in Molten Flinak Loop
- Joining of Silicon Carbide Using Ni-ZrH_2 Powder Mixture(Materials, Metallurgy & Weldability)
- Instability of As-Sprayed Yttria-Stabilized Zirconia(Materials, Metallurgy & Weldability)
- Formation of Paramagnetic Center in Amorphous Lead Silicate during Crystallization
- Problems on the Diffraction Study of Liquid Metals
- High Temperature ESR Study on Ferric Ions in Amorphous Lead Silicates
- Structural Analysis of Molten LiCl-CaCl_2 System by X-ray Diffraction(Materials, Metallurgy & Weldability)
- Secondary Ion Characteristics of Al-Ni Intermetallic Compounds Sputtered by Ar Ion
- Crystallization Behavior of Synthetic Blast Furnace Slag by TiO_2
- Crystallization Behavior of Synthetic Blast Furnace Slag by TiO_2(Materials, Metallurgy, Weldability)
- Free Energy of Mixing of Melts in Mn_2SiO_4-Fe_2SiO_4 System
- Characterization of Plasma-sprayed Zirconia Coatings by X-ray Diffraction and Raman Spectroscopy(Materials, Metallurgy & Weldability)
- State of sulphur and Iron-Sulphur Interaction in Soda Silicate Glasses(Materials, Metallurgy, Weldability)
- Structures of Melts and Glasses in The System NaF-BeF_2 from Molecular Dynamics Simulation
- The Determination of Empirical Pair-Potential Functions for CaCl_2 Crystal and Melt by Molecular Dynamics Calculation
- Structure of Slag (Report VIII) : State of Three Sorts of Oxygens in Slag
- EXAFS and X-ray Diffraction Studies of Iron Ions in 0.2(Fe_2O_3)・0.8(Na_2O・2SiO_2) Glass
- Fundamental Study of Glass-Metal Bonding
- Fundamental Considerations on Plasma Sprayed Ceramic Coating (Report II) : Structural Study of Plasma Sprayed Al_2O_3
- An Evaluation of Adhesion for Plasma Spray Coated Materials
- State Analysis of Plasma Sprayed Alumina
- Structural Study of Vitreous and Crystalline PbO-SiO_2 System by Raman Spectroscopy
- State Analyses of Metal Ions in Flux
- Inclusion Morphology in Submerged Arc Weld Metal Using the Fluxes of the System (CaO)-MnO-SiO_2
- Clustering of Fe^ Ion in Calcium Fluorosilicate Slag
- Secondary Ion Characteristics of PbO-SiO_2 Glasses Sputtered by Argon Ion(Materials, Metallurgy, Weldability)
- Tandem Electron Beam Welding (Report-II)
- X-ray Diffraction Studies on Amorphous Materials (Report 1)
- State Analysis on Sulphur Ion in a Synthetic Blast Furnace Slag(Materials, Metallurgy, Weldability)
- Raman Spectra of Na_2O-SiO_2-Al_2O_3 and K_2O-SiO_2-Al_2O_3 Glasses
- Secondary Ion Characteristics of Glasses Sputtered by Ar Ion
- Structure of Slag (X) : Desulfurization