江戸期における山口祇園会御上之山の社会的位置付けについて : 「山口祇園会仕法替御寄進山調替被仰付候一件」の内、安政年間の願書を中心として
- 論文の詳細を見る
The purpose of this paper is to consider the social status of the Oinoyama-float in the Edo era, through analysis of the petitions of 1854 (the first year of Ansei) and 1855 (the second year of Ansei) presented by the common people demanding the cancellation of the remodelling of Oinoyama-float.The results are as follows: 1) The remodelling of Oinoyama-float reduced the number of people who gathered at the festival and the profits during the festival. Furthermore, natural disasters and bad harvests in the Ansei Era compounded economic difficulties, increasing the number of collapsed and vacant houses in parts of Yamaguchi Town. 2) The cancellation of the remodelling of Oinoyama-float prevented the business during the festival from decreasing, and was necessary for the common people as a means of recovering from the difficulties of their lives. Based on this fact, you can conclude that the common people regarded the festive float as an important factor in measures to be taken for the recovery of the area.
- 九州共立大学の論文
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