第三次感化法制期(1923-1934年)における留岡幸助と家庭学校 : 留岡清男の北海道分校教頭兼家族長就任に注目して
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This paper investigates on the end of Kosuke Tomeoka's (1864-1934) incumbency as the principal of Katei Gakko under the third Reform School Act (1923-1934), and focuses on the role of Kiyoo Tomeoka (1898-1976), who became the vice-principal of Hokkaido Branch of Katei Gakko in 1929. Kosuke Tomeoka, the founder of the reform school Katei Gakko, is been regarded as an excellent leader as well as a pioneer of the Japanese reform school, even in his own lifetime. However, questions on how he had managed his school have never been answered concretely through an analysis of the documents in the archives of Katei Gakko. Based on recent research of materials located at the two schools that derived from Katei Gakko, Hokkaido Katei Gakko and Tokyo Katei Gakko, this paper will address the following topics. First, Kosuke Tomeoka originally refused to install any form of restraint system, having based Katei Gakko's basic motivating principle on Wichern's phrase, "Christ's love is the strongest wall." However, due to frequent student escapes, restraint systems were installed during the third Reform School Act. Second, the "colony system, " which Kosuke Tomeoka adopted in both Hokkaido and Ogasawara, ended in failure under the third Reform School Act. Thus, the staff of Katei Gakko were confronted and afflicted with many difficulties. However, the only advice that principal Kosuke Tomeoka gave his staff was the words of Wichern. Third, Kiyoo Tomeoka observed and recorded the daily life of students of the Hokkaido branch of Katei Gakko, and concluded that the students needed to establish a more self-sufficient lifestyle. Kiyoo adopted "the colony plan, " which allowed the students and staff of the Hokkaido branch to manage their own lifestyles instead of being bound by Kosuke Tomeoka's "colony system." Kiyoo also proposed a the downsizing of Katei Gakko in order to improve school management through the adoption of his "colony plan." This paper concludes that the age of the third Reform School Act was the end of the era of principal Kosuke Tomeoka, who had been a leader of the education of juvenile delinquents in modern Japan.
- 2007-10-01
- 第三次感化法制期(1923-1934年)における留岡幸助と家庭学校 : 留岡清男の北海道分校教頭兼家族長就任に注目して
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