積層セラミックコンデンサ用材料のナノサイズ化とシート成形に関する研究 : KCl溶融塩法による微細なBa_<0.5>Sr_<0.5>TiO_3粉末の合成(2005年度 学部等研究教育補助金採択者報告)
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Single-phase Ba_<0.5>Sr_<0.5>TiO_3 (BST) fine powder was successfully prepared at 800-1000℃ by the KCl molten salt method. The particle size and shape of the powder largely depended on the preparation temperature, and fine spherical powder having a particle size of 0.3μm was obtained. BST ceramics of 90% density or higher were easily fabricated from the powder by firing at 1300-1500℃. The dielectric properties of these ceramics were measured from -60 to 50℃ at 1kHz, and the maximum dielectric constant was obtained near the Curie temperature. These results indicate that the powder prepared using this method is suitable for producing a thick film of BST. The preparation of nanosized BST powder and a thick film using the powder will be carried out next.
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