若きソーシャルワーカーのライフヒストリー研究 : (その2)異分野からの参入者の専門職アイデンティティ
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In the previous article (Suzuki, 2003), there introduced two high school graduates who had no knowledge on welfare, but started acquiring professional skill and knowledge enthusiastically through their work. We followed how they become qualified as social workers. They learned to gain professional knowledge and more they leveled up more they had incentive. After they became qualified, they still grew up as well-experienced workers. In present two cases, they start from actual workers without much professional knowledge but eventually they acquire national qualification as social workers. That gives them self esteem and high level of profession. In other words, qualification has more meaning than only gaining skill and knowledge. It gives satisfaction to the ones who acquired the qualification and that leads to their self esteem on their work. This has a good effect on the quality of their work because more confident social workers become, they serve better. There is also a fact that qualification changes nothing in what they can do compared with other qualification which legally allows the profession such as lawyers and doctors. However, qualified social workers tend to be proud of their work and skill. The workers brush up their skill and as a result they are accepted as skilled and experienced workers. There are also qualified social workers who graduated from non-welfare department, but happened to start working as social workers. Although they are similar to the workers in previos article, some differences are discussed.
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