若きソーシャルワーカーのライフヒストリー研究 : (その1)専門職アイデンテイテイと国家資格取得
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This research, a part of the continuous studies based on life history of social workers, focuses on social workers in 30th, whereas the past ones (Suzuki 2003) focus on those in 50th. This is for the first time that we discuss about the identity of social workers with hearing examples of young male social worker in the suburbs. Although the studies in the past are mainly on the development of professional skills and the careers of women, this study follows how the two male social workers in their last 30th build up the identities of the profession not through education, but though experiences of their field work. The 30th is an important period of time for acknowledging his role at work and as it becomes clear, the work increases and becomes harder. Also there is his own family especially babies to take care of. Under these circumstances, they manage to study for the license of social worker. Further are examined. I expect these details on how they got certified social worker and professional identities will interest many students of social work.
- 2004-09-30
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