- 論文の詳細を見る
The purpose of this research was to compare differences, through preferences in exercise and physical education (PE), in the image children have of the teacher they would like to have in their PE lessons. The study was carried out on 3, 735 elementary school pupils in Kanagawa Prefecture, using a questionnaire format. The results are as shown below. 1. Preferences regarding exercise and PE were shared by many children, with approximately 75% liking both of them. 2. Children who like exercise and PE tended to want their PE teacher to be strict with them in PE lessons, whereas children who do not like exercise and PE tended to want their teacher to be kind. Furthermore, the desire for strictness increased as children moved up through the school, with this tendency being particularly strong among boys. 3. Among boys, and children who like exercise and PE, there was a tendency to attach importance to exercise with regard to the teacher in PE lessons, whereas girls and children who do not like exercise and PE tended to have a strong desire for physical education in which the teacher gives them support. 4. Among children who like PE, as with those who hate PE there was a tendency for children who do not like exercise to want a teacher who responds to children and is kind with them.
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