- 論文の詳細を見る
Three types of blood flow measurement methods using laser irradiation such as laser-Doppler flowmetry, laser-Doppler imaging, and laser speckle imaging have been utilized for measuring the peripheral blood flow because of the benefits of low invasiveness and as they enable real-time measurements. Laser-Doppler flowmetry has first used for the blood flow measurements but does not appear to be suitable for quantitative measurements as the equipment can not perform measurements over large areas. Laser speckle imaging has recently been reported to measure two-dimensional images of blood flows. The present study was designed to compare the blood flow changes measured by laser speckle imaging and laser-Doppler flowmetry. The blood flow changes were evoked either by parasympathetic mediated vasodilatations in the lip elicited by electrical stimulation of the lingual nerve in urethane-anesthetized rats, or by sympathetic mediated vasoconstrictions in human hands elicited by cold tests. The patterns of blood flow changes in laser speckle imaging and laser-Doppler flowmetry were very similar in blood flow changes, both increases and decreases were measured, although the relative change from the basal blood flow of the laser speckle imaging was smaller (50-60%) than that of laser-Doppler flowmetry. The quantitative analysis in the cold tests with laser speckle imaging showed that tissue perfusion in the fingers resemble the anatomical blood vessel distribution. The advantages of laser speckle imaging for the measurement of blood flow are as the follows: (i) the blood flow is visualized as a two-dimensional image, (ii) the area where the blood flow was measured can be changed on saved image data, (iii) the image sizes can be varied (by zooming) from 8×6mm to 280×210mm, and (iv) the averaged data are not absolute values but can be used quantitatively in comparison studies.
和泉 博之
石井 久淑
和泉 博之
渡邉 秀和
新岡 丈治
石井 久淑
新岡 丈治
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