- 論文の詳細を見る
The national project of checking, punctuating and republishing the twenty-five Chinese historical classics was initiated by Mao Zedong in 1958, but failed to continue due to Culture revolution started in 1966. However, under Mao's instruction it proceeded in 1971. The power struggle over the leading position in the project between Zhou Enlai and Yao Wenyuan started as Mao's instruction was made. The special cultural project in this particular time (Culture revolution) represents not only cultural characteristics of this period, but also the considerations of those in power. Therefore, it can be regarded as the epitome of the power struggle of that time. In order to clarify the feud between Zhou and Yao, the thesis focuses on the events around the time when the project was restarted in 1971. It's based on the interview of participants of the project and classified materials collected in Beijing. The author's research "China Press and systemization of classical books in People's Republic of China-the background of checking, punctuating and republishing the twenty-five Chinese historical classics" is sponsored financially by (A) "Northeast Asian Publication Cultural Research Project." The thesis is part of the research achievements.
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