郭店楚簡『性自命出』篇の「命」(めい)について(第I部 北東アジアの国際関係)
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In 1993, 730 strips of bamboo (on which messages are written) were unearthed from the Chumu No.1 in Gudian Jingmenshi Hubeishen China (中国湖北省荊門市郭店一号楚墓). Because these strips of bamboo include many prime documents of Confucian and Taoist from the Warring States Period, it is believed that they are of great value for academic studies and are the most important archaeological discovery in recent times. It draws the academic world's attention because "Xinzimingchu Pian" (性自命出篇) described Qingxing theory (情性論) which was seen in the Zisi school of primitive Confucianism. However, the meaning of "Ming" (命) in "Xingzimingchu, Mingzitianjiang" (性自命出,命自天降), which is the starting point of Qingxing theory, has been interpreted by Tianming theory (天命論) without having been paid any particular attention to. The "Ming, " however, is to be considered as a most important concept in ancient Chinese folk religion. The paper clarifies the difference between Ming and Tianming by using Gudian Chujian (郭店楚簡) and other ancient documents. The paper demonstrates that "Ming" does not have the same meaning as "Tianming, " "Will of Tian, " or "Order from Tian, " but instead refers to the innate absolute existence of all creation including humans. In addition, it could also be said that the "Ming" cited in the myth of primitive human cosmogony refers to the fundamental existence of all creation, which describes the universal form of religion in ancient Chinese society. The belief in "Ming" occurred before "Tian" was deified and had its will. In ancient Chinese cosmogony, "Ming" means the same as "Guishen" (鬼神) or "Shenming" (神明). "Ming" descends from "Tian" and appears as individual existence in this world. Then, each of the whole life is developed as "Mingzhixing" (命之行) through taking birth-growth-extinction process. After finishing the role of inner existence, "Ming" is to go back to "Tian" because there is "Guanwei" (官位) in "Tian". Since both "Ming" in this sense and "Tian" are generated from "Taiyi" (太一), although they come out of it in an different order, "Tian" is not the absolute being for "Ming." To put it in another way, "Tian" is also one of the creation of "Taiyi, " therefore, even in "Tian" exists "Ming."
- 郭店楚簡『性自命出』篇の「命」(めい)について(第I部 北東アジアの国際関係)
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