Thermally Induced Unidirectional Crystallization of Charged Colloids(Poster session 1, New Frontiers in Colloidal Physics : A Bridge between Micro- and Macroscopic Concepts in Soft Matter)
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 2007-10-20
Uchida Fumio
Fuji Chemicals Co. Ltd.
Nagoya City Univ.
Nagoya City Univ.
YONESE Masakatsu
Nagoya City Univ.
SAWADA Tsutomu
National Institute for Materials Science
Yamanaka Junpei
Graduate School Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Nagoya City University
Yamanaka Junpei
Faculty Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Nagoya City University
米勢 政勝
名古屋市大 院薬
Yonese Masakatsu
Nagoya City University
Sawada Tsutomu
National Inst. For Materials Sci.
Yamanaka J
Nagoya City University
Uchida Fumio
Fuji Chemical Co. Ltd.
Yamanaka Junpei
Graduate School Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Nagoya City Univ.
- Unidirectional Crystallization of Charged Colloids Driven by Diffusion of Base(Poster session 2, New Frontiers in Colloidal Physics : A Bridge between Micro- and Macroscopic Concepts in Soft Matter)
- 種々の対イオンを有するアルギン酸ゲル球の形成過程と平衡膨潤
- Thermodynamic and Viscometric Studies on the Thermotropic Phase-Stability of Cholesteryl Myristate, Palmitate, Stearate, and Oleate
- 種々の溶媒中におけるコレステロ-ルミリスタ-ト,パルミタ-ト及びオレア-トの溶解度-温度関係
- Differential Scanning Calorimetry Study of Polymorphism in Cholesteryl Oleate
- 種々の対イオンを有するコンドロイチン硫酸AおよびC塩の実用浸透圧係数
- 種々の対イオンを有するコンドロイチン硫酸A塩の部分モル体積
- Thermally Induced Unidirectional Crystallization of Charged Colloids(Poster session 1, New Frontiers in Colloidal Physics : A Bridge between Micro- and Macroscopic Concepts in Soft Matter)
- Unidirectional Crystallization of Charged Colloidal Silica under Temperature Gradient
- Structural Characterizations of Charged Colloidal Silica Crystals Formed by Base Diffusion
- Pressure Effect on the Crystal Forms of RbCl and RbBr in Aqueous Solution
- Cyclic Crystal Growth and Dissolution in a Closed System
- High-Definition Microscopy of Pressure-Induced NaCl-CsCl Transitiom in RbCl
- Quick Fabrication of Gigantic Single-Crystalline Colloidal Crystals for Photonic Crystal Applications Optics and Quantum
- Preparation of a Novel Aggregate Like Sugar-Ball Micelle Composed of Poly(methylglutamate)and Poly(ethyleneglycol)Modified by Lactose and Its Molecular Recognition by Lectin
- Controllable Orientation of the Peptide-Based Surfactant at Air-Water Interface
- Characteristics of Hyaluronate-hydroxyethyl Acrylate Blend Gel and Release of Cationic Amphiphilic Solutes
- Preparation and Characterization of Hyaluronate-Hydroxyethyl Acrylate Blend Hydrogel for Controlled Release Device
- Annealing Behavior of Twin Domains in YBa_2Cu_3O_x Crystals : Condensed Matter
- Effects of the Molar Mass of a Solute on Permeability through Poly(vinyl alcohol) Gel Membranes
- Characteristics of Complexes Composed of Sodium Hyaluronate and Bovine Serum Albumin
- コンドロイチン硫酸塩溶液の熱力学的性質--第四級アンモニウム塩の水溶液から尿素水溶液への移行エンタルピ- (糖質の化学)
- Colloidal dispersions confined in voids of polymer gel matrix
- Fabrication of large-area silica colloidal crystals immobilized in hydrogel film
- Uphill Diffusion of Charged Colloidal Particles during Unidirectional Crystallization under pH Gradient
- Mechanochemical Reaction of Poly(Vinyl Alcohol) Gels Due to Cooperative Effects of Crosslinks - Respondences to pH and Glucose
- Quantitative Evaluation of Spatial Uniformity in Spectral Characteristics for Large-area Colloidal Crystals
- 製剤素材としてのアルギン酸 (特集 製剤素材(3))
- Effects of Charge Density on Drug Permeability through Alginate Gel Membranes
- アルギン酸ゲル膜の薬物透過性
- ゼラチンーコンドロイチン硫酸混合膜の物理化学的研究(第5報)電解質透過性の膜荷電密度および含水率依存性
- 膜透過におよぼす不かくはん層の影響
- Comparison of Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy between Illumination and Dark Conditions
- KCl, 四級アンモニウム塩化物およびドデシルアミン塩酸塩のゼラチン膜における界面透過性と膜内透過性
- pH- and Temperature-induced Crystallization of Aqueous Dispersions of Positively Charged Poly(styrene-co-2-vinylpyridine) Particles
- ゼラチン, コンドロイチン硫酸混合膜の物理化学的研究(第4報)膜荷電密度およびそのpH変化
- ゼラチン, コンドロイチン硫酸混合膜の物理化学的研究(第3報)電解質透過性およびそのpH変化
- ゼラチン, コンドロイチン硫酸混合膜の物理化学的研究(第2報)コンドロイチン硫酸濃度および複合体形成の膨潤におよぼす影響
- ゼラチン, コンドロイチン硫酸混合膜の物理化学的研究(第1報)膨潤のpH変化および異方性について
- Formation of Stripe Patterns in Charged Colloids during Unidirectional Crystallization in the Presence of Impurity Particles
- Kossel Line Analysis of Flow-Aligned Textures of Colloidal Crystals
- Striation Pattern of Impurity Particles in Charged Colloidal Crystals Formed by Stepwise Thermally Induced Crystallization
- Two-dimensional Brownian Motions of Polyacrylamide-modified Colloidal Particles