Controllable Orientation of the Peptide-Based Surfactant at Air-Water Interface
YONESE Masakatsu
Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Nagoya City University
Department of Frontier Materials, Graduate School of Engineering, Nagoya Institute of Technology
TSUJITA Yoshiharu
Department of Materials Science & Engineering, Nagoya Institute of Technology
Nagoya City Univ.
米勢 政勝
名古屋市大 院薬
Yonese Masakatsu
Nagoya City University
Yonese Masakatsu
Faculty Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Nagoya City University
Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Nagoya City University
KUGIMIYA Shin-ichi
Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Nagoya City University
Tsujita Y
Department Of Materials Science And Engineering Polymeric Materials Course Nagoya Institute Of Techn
Kugimiya S
Faculty Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Nagoya City University
Tsujita Yoshiharu
Department Of Materials Science And Engineering Polymeric Materials Course Nagoya Institute Of Techn
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- Thermally Induced Unidirectional Crystallization of Charged Colloids(Poster session 1, New Frontiers in Colloidal Physics : A Bridge between Micro- and Macroscopic Concepts in Soft Matter)
- Aggregation Induced α-Helix/β-Sheet Transition of the Poly(ethylene glycol)-attached Peptide
- Two-dimensional Self-assembly of a Designed Amphiphilic Peptide at Air/Water Interface
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- Unidirectional Crystallization of Charged Colloidal Silica under Temperature Gradient
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- Controllable Orientation of the Peptide-Based Surfactant at Air-Water Interface
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- Molecular Orientation Control in Amphiphilic α-Helical Copolypeptide Monolayer at Air/Water Interface
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- Uphill Diffusion of Charged Colloidal Particles during Unidirectional Crystallization under pH Gradient
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- Characterization of Microvoids in Glassy Polymers by Means of ^Xe NMR Spectroscopy
- Control of Molecular Orientation of α-Helix in the Monolayer at Air-Water Interface
- Aggregation of Polypeptide-Based Amphiphiles in Water
- Molecular Orientation of Amphiphilic Bock Copolymer of Poly(peptide-co-ethylene glycol)at Air-Water Interface
- A Spontaneous Aggregate Formed by Polypeptide-based Amphiphile in Water
- The Isomer Effect on Complex Formation in Syndiotactic Polystyrene - Xylene System
- CO_2 Permeation and Diffusion Properties of Semicrystalline Poly(4-methyl pentene-1) Membranes
- The Isomer Effect on Complex Formation in Poly(ethylene oxide)-Nitrophenol System
- The Molecular Orientation of a Peptide-based Amphiphile at Hexane/Water Interface
- Inter-vesicular Communications by a Synthetic Amphiphilic Polypeptide
- Effects of Charge Density on Drug Permeability through Alginate Gel Membranes
- アルギン酸ゲル膜の薬物透過性
- ゼラチンーコンドロイチン硫酸混合膜の物理化学的研究(第5報)電解質透過性の膜荷電密度および含水率依存性
- 膜透過におよぼす不かくはん層の影響
- Specific Binding of L-Alanine onto a Monolayer Composed of Polyallylamine Containing Poly(L-alanine) Graft Chains
- KCl, 四級アンモニウム塩化物およびドデシルアミン塩酸塩のゼラチン膜における界面透過性と膜内透過性
- Photocontrol of Micellar Structure of an Azobenzene Containing Amphiphilic Sequential Polypeptide
- The Effect of a Photo-induced pH Change on the Hydrodynamic Permeability through Porous Membrane with Adsorbed Poly (L-glutamic acid)
- Vertical Standing of Amphiphilic Helical Peptides at the Hexane-Water Interface
- pH- and Temperature-induced Crystallization of Aqueous Dispersions of Positively Charged Poly(styrene-co-2-vinylpyridine) Particles
- ゼラチン, コンドロイチン硫酸混合膜の物理化学的研究(第4報)膜荷電密度およびそのpH変化
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- ゼラチン, コンドロイチン硫酸混合膜の物理化学的研究(第1報)膨潤のpH変化および異方性について
- Characterization of the microvoids of a tetramethyl polycarbonate/polystyrene blend system using Xe sorption measurements and ^Xe NMR spectroscopy
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- Easy Preparation of Stable Iron Oxide Nanoparticles Using Gelatin as Stabilizing Molecules
- Stress relaxation of alginate gels crosslinked by various divalent metal ions.
- The Gibbs energies,enthalpies,and entropies of the dilution of aqueous sodium chondroitin-4-sulfate and -6-sulfate.
- The effects of the sol-gel transition of alginates on effective charge densities.
- Enthalpies of dilution of aqueous sodium chondroitin 4-sulfate and 6-sulfate.