幼児の食育推進に関する一考察 : 幼稚園と保育所の給食の観点から
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The Fundamental Law of Shokuiku was established on June, 2005, and The Basic Plans for "Shokuiku" Promotion was issued on March, 2006, which puts much focus on "shokuiku" so that children can learn "the zest for living". It is desirable that the proper "shokuiku" is introduced to children in their early stage. Most of the pre-school children go to kindergartens or nursery schools. In 2004, 58.9% of them finished kindergartens and 37.8% finished nursery schools. The school-lunch system has been compulsory in nursery schools, while not in kindergartens. This is why we conducted the questionnaire in order to understand how much kindergarten teachers know "shokuiku" and what they think about "shoku" and food. As one of the results, a significant difference of consciousness of kindergarten teachers has been found between the kindergartens which have their own kitchens and cook lunch themselves and those which buy lunch instead of cooking themselves. It is necessary that the school-lunch system should be considered as part of education and nursing in the kindergartens.
- 2006-12-10
- 幼児の食育推進に関する一考察 : 幼稚園と保育所の給食の観点から
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