Maximal CP Violation Hypothesis and Phase Convention of the CKM Matrix (CPの破れと物質生成)
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The maximal CP violation hypothesis depends on the phase convention of the CKM matrix, when we assume that three rotation angles in the CKM matrix are fixed by the observed values of |V_<us>|, |V_<cb>| and |V_<ub>|. Phase conventions which lead to successful prediction under the maximal CP violation hypothesis are only two: the original Kobayashi-Maskawa phase convention and the Fritzsch-Xing phase convention. Thereby, possible structures of the quark mass matrices are speculated.
- 素粒子論グループ 素粒子研究編集部の論文
- 2005-08-20
- 経営情報学部教育プログラムにおける情報・コンピュータ教育の役割
- 24pSB-4 質量行列とレプトン数非保存の現象
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- 30aXA-11 Comments on the Higgs potential which leads to the charged lepton mass formula
- Maximal CP Violation Hypothesis and Phase Convention of the CKM Matrix (CPの破れと物質生成)
- 12aSH-3 Flavor-Triplet Scalars and the Charged Lepton Mass Formula
- 25pXE-9 Phase Conventions of the CKM Matrix and Possible Forms of Quark Mass Matrices
- 27aZN-9 R-Parity Violation in an SU(5)5^^-+10+5^^-'+5'Model(素粒子論)
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- 24pSB-3 Lepton Flavor Violating Z Decays and Anomalous Muon Magnetic Moment in the Zee Model
- 27aSJ-11 Bimaximal Neutrino Mixing in a Zee-type Model with Badly Broken Flavor Symmetry
- SO(10)×SO(10) Universal Seesaw Model and Neutrino Mass Matrix
- Evolution of the Democratic Seesaw Mass Matrix Model
- New Physics from the Democratic Seesaw Mass Matrix Model (フレ-バ-の物理とその周辺)
- 29p-YP-10 FCNC in the Democratic Seesaw Mass Matrix
- 29p-YP-9 Abnormal Structure of the Right-Handed Quark Mixing in the Democratic Seesaw Mass Matrix Model
- Democracy of Families and Neutrino Mass Matrix (フレイバ-物理における新しい物理)
- Democracy of Families and Quark and Lepton Mass Matrix (GeVスケ-ルで探る物理)
- 27a-SG-3 デモクラティック型行列を伴ったシーソー型クォーク質量行列模型
- 27a-SG-2 デモクラティック行列を伴ったシーソ型統一質量行列模型
- BDK研究会のあゆみ(B,D,K中間子物理とクォーク混合,CPの破れ,研究会報告)
- Seesaw-Type Quark and Lepton Mass Matrices and U(3)-Family Nonet Higgs Bosons
- D中間子の非軽粒子崩壊とハドロン流--ハドロン流型相互作用〔英文〕
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- Nonleptonic Decays of Charmed Particles
- なぜ坂田学派はクォーク模型にたどりつけなかったのか
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- 14p-A-3 高エネルギー ハドロン・ハドロン反応の現象論I
- Universal Seesaw Mass Matrix Model with Three Light Pseudo-Dirac Neutrinos〔和文〕 (基研研究会「ニュートリノ混合と統一模型の検討」報告)
- Vertical Preons and Horizontal Preons
- SU(5)_-5__- Composite Fermions with Masses〜1 TeV
- Quarks and Leptons Composed of Vertical and Horizontal Preons(クォーク・レプトンの構造,研究会報告)
- Three-preon model for quarks and leptons with SU(3)-family (「Quark-Leptonの構造」研究会報告)
- A Fermion-Boson Composite Model of Quarks and Leptons
- 9. Composite Quarks and Nonleptonic Weak Interactions
- チャーム崩壊に対する20 dominace modelは,どこまでマイルドであり得るか(第3回素粒子論冬期集中セミナー(核研),研究会報告)
- Is the Total D^+ Width Much Smaller Than the Total D^0 Width?
- Color Octet Hadron Production by Neutrino and Trimuon Events
- 3.8 Enhancement and Suppression Factorsについてのコメント(基本構成子と弱い相互作用,研究会報告)
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- Evolution of the Democratic Seesaw Mass Matrices Model (フレーバーの物理とその周辺)
- 30p-B-7 シーソータイプのクォーク・レプトン質量行列とU(3)ファミリーノネットヒグス粒子