Measurement of Stellar Mass by Pulsar Timing Observation(Massive Astrophysical Compact Halo Objects)
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We propose to include a new correction term, the gravitational time delay effect caused by a star between the observer and the pulsar, in the analysis of pulsar timing observation. This effect appears in the form of ln(1+t^2), whose amplitude directly connects to the mass of the star. When the residuals of the time of arrival have a positive hump, it is worthwhile re-analyzing the data by including this correction term in the existing models. The analysis of this effect will not only help to stabilize the the pulsar time, but also provide a new way to determine the mass of a star and MACHOs directly. When the mass of a star(MACHOs) is 1M_&sodot;(0.1M_&sodot;) and the observation accuracy is 100 ns and the observation period is 10 years, the possibility of detecting this effect is the order of one hundredth.
- 素粒子論グループ 素粒子研究編集部の論文
- 1995-09-20
大西 浩次
大西 浩次
Communication Research Laboratory
Hosokawa Mizuhiko
Communications Research Laboratory
大西 浩次
National Astronomical Observatory
Takeuti Mine
Astronomical Institute, Tohoku University
Takeuti Mine
Astronomical Institute Tohoku University
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