- 論文の詳細を見る
In this paper we will report our current attempt to construct Seisen Academic Can-Do Framework based on the can-do statements, which have been developed for this research. Can-do statements (CDS) are descriptions of language abilities of learners, that is, what they can do in English at a given level. CDS can also show learners what test scores really mean in actual language use settings. The purpose of Seisen Academic Can-Do Scale is to measure academic English can-do abilities of learners in class rather than daily communicative English abilities outside class. There are twenty CDS across four skill areas, each of which describes a graded performance (at four levels) in the process of accomplishing learning tasks. These grades in CDS can also function as goals for learners in different language levels. Seisen Academic Can-Do Framework is in the process of development and is now at an analysis stage of the can-do data obtained. These data are collected cross-sectionally both at the beginning and at the end of the first grade, and at the end of the second grade. Further follow-up study is necessary to confirm the can-do abilities in this framework by assessing learners' performance through evaluation tasks.
- 清泉女子大学の論文
- 2006-12-26
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