- 論文の詳細を見る
Essentially, flag states must have responsibilities to observe international convention prescribed ships structure, equipment and required qualification of seaman. However, the number of flag of convenience (FOC) and developing maritime nations which have insufficient ship management system has increased rapidly. This is the main reason why global coastal area has threatened even now. Port state control (PSC) inspection has been enhanced annually to eliminate these sub-standard vessels. We started questionnaire survey to Japan pilot association for seizing actual condition of ocean going vessels into Japan ports in 1997 when PSC officers were first attached in Japan. This survey aims to realize safety of ocean-going vessels and find detailed problems from point of operator side. The survey has 7years already and this is final report. Some effective trends were cleared as consequence.
- 社団法人日本航海学会の論文
- 2004-09-25
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