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It has been a crucial issue for studies of educational administration to consider the notion of "public, " the logic of which justifies the actions and organizations of educational administration. Thus, how we define "public" determines the functions of the public education system and the roles of educational administration. Previous studies have attempted to understand "public" in terms of the nation's or the citizens'. However, I would like to propose that a unified view of the two is needed, and that the citizens'"public, " which is of a practical nature should be embodied within the nation's "public as a formal public system." The nation, the market, and the community are essential elements for today's education system, and the notion of "public" should be considered to reside within the arena where they coexist. Then, how we define the roles of the public education system and design it warrant an investigation. Furthermore, where the legal division between "public" and "private" is blurred, the relationship among the nation, the market, and the community, and, moreover, the relationship between "public" as societal welfare and "private" as individual's rights need to be examined.
- 東京大学の論文
- 2006-12-26
佐藤 智子
佐藤 智子
佐藤 智子
佐藤 智子
東京大学大学院 医学系研究科 看護管理学分野
佐藤 智子
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