看護技術演習「注射」における体験学習に関する検討 : 採血、皮下注射、筋肉内注射および皮内注射の演習後の学びの分析
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The purpose of this study was to investigate nursing students' learning experience with injection practice, such as : " blood sampling" ; "subcutaneous injection" ; "intramuscular injection" ; and "intradermal injection" : all are pivotal to the basic nursing skills practicum. This study analyzed the similarities noted in Krippendorffs' analysis of 164 second year students' reports. The reports which the students presented after the practicum expressed their learning vis-a-vis both the nurses'role and the patients' role. The results, could be classified into 10 categories : nurse's feelings, patient's feelings, concern for patients, interaction between nurse and patient, idea of the nurse, experience of failure, experience of success, comparison with others injection technique, skillfulness, role of observer, and 27 other sub-categories. The results suggest that the students had anxiety during all injection practices. Nevertheless, the students' skillfulness improved each injection practice. Therefore, it is necessary that the students have the opportunity to practice injection technique numerous times.
- 2006-06-30
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