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Recently, the number of people who appeal for the sick house syndrome doesn't decrease though Building Standard Law was revised. Then, first of all, it explained revised Building Standard Law in this report, and it compared it with old one. A new metrology such as the formaldehyde generated from construction materials is added to the revised regulations. The method is the one that is called a small chamber method. In addition, countermeasures against the sick house syndrome that the individual showld be able to do were described. Then the method of measuring formaldehyde in air by an easy operation was made. This method is a method in the desiccater method and the small chamber method for getting a hint. And, an inside density of air of formaldehyde was measured by this method about furniture in some person's dwellings. The amount of the formaldehyde that dissolved in water was able to be measured well. However, because it is not possible to display it as a density in air of formaldehyde, the continuing reseach is needed. Formaldehyde is generated from not only construction materials but also various things. Formaldehyde might be generated from furniture, apparel, and electrical appliance, etc. in the topic it recently. Therefore, it is necessary to observe it in the generation of the chemical that will cause the sick house syndrome in the future by severe eyes.
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