- 論文の詳細を見る
Fisheries Engineering has served for changing an oceanic environment into an ideal one for marine ecosystem aimed to secure and increase marine fisheries resources, and has witnessed a rapid development during the last 40 years, and has been involved in the project to establish Artificial Reefs and develop the proliferation site for juveniles of fish and shellfish. The marine fisheries resources in the Sea of Japan are largely classified into large-sized wandering fishes coming over from the East China Sea on one hand, sardines and bottom fishes undergoing repeated reproduction process in the Sea of Japan on other hand. The changes in these resources are closely interlinked with oceanic environment, but the haul of fishes has been rapidly on decline, with its peak experienced in around 1990. Especially, sardines have remarkably decreased. The reason behind this trend has not been identified. According to the statistics on fisheries, the production of bottom fishes has been almost stable. I guess that Artificial Reef works well for the production of these bottom fishes. Since the waters on the Sea of Japan flow across coastal borders, nutrients are released from the shore, and the surface layer of the waters is poor in nutrient. It is well known that huge rapids and shallows scattered around every parts of the Sea of Japan coast constitute ecological system and function as a good fishing ground. In these rapids and shallows, topographical upwelling emerges and becomes the source of supplying nutrient-rich waters of deep- sea bottom layer to the outer layer of the sea. In order to sustain and increase marine resources in the Sea of Japan in a stable fashion in the future, it is quite essential for us to achieve a stable circulation of a food chain system. It is also necessary to explicate the mechanism of how topographical upwelling arises and develop the artificial upwelling applying topographical upwelling.
- 日本水産工学会の論文
- 2005-07-15
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