戦後石炭産業合理化初期における大手炭鉱の合理化と租鉱権炭鉱 : 1950年代初頭〜1960年代初頭の北海道炭砿汽船の事例を中心に
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Sub-leased coalmines (SLCs) sere one method of rationalization attempted by major coalmining companies during the early 1950s to the early1960s. This article demonstrates how the Hokkaido colliery and Steamship Company Ltd. (hereinafter Hokutan) was able to use SLCs to reduce mining costs, stabilize production, rationalize the development of mining areas, and adjust its employment levels. Hokutan made sub-leasing contracts that included exclusive purchase agreements with subsidiaries and contractors. The use of SLCs, which depended on cheap labor and mined coal pillars in Hokutan's mining areas, guaranteed large supplies of inexpensive coal without the need for capital investment in Hokutan's own coalmines. In addition, they provided employment for retirees from Hokutan and relatives of Hokutan workers. The utilization of SLCs by Hokutan came to an end in the early 1960s, when they began to close in rapid succession. This was caused by many factors: active intervention in sub-leasing contracts by the Hokutan labor union, increases in the cost of mining SLCs, and legislation which promoted their closure.
- 社会経済史学会の論文
- 2005-03-25
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