「相互学校システム」をめぐる「教育学論争」とF.A.W.ディースターヴェーク : プロイセンにおける「近代学校システム」形成過程の研究
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In 1830s and 1840s Prussia, a heated debate concerning the "Mutual School System", called the "Pedagogical Disputes," erupted between A. Diesterweg and the supporters of this system. Until now, most historical research on education in Germany as well as Diesterweg has not examined the Pedagogical Disputes. This paper seeks to clarify the important place of the Pedagogical Disputes hold in the history of the modern school system in Prussia. In 1808, the Bell-Lancaster System was introduced to Prussia. At first, this system was well received. In 1817, however, L. Natorp criticized the Bell-Lancaster System, arguing that it made instruction and learning mechanical and restricted the instructor's teaching activities. In 1820 the Eckernforde Normal School in Schleswig-Holstein began to operate as a Mutual School System experimental school. The Mutual School System was a modified version of the Bell-Lancaster System that distinguished between instruction and practice; instruction was the responsibility of the teacher, while monitors oversaw practice drills. Because of this, the system was not called "mutual instruction" but "Mutual School" System. The Eckernforde System was soon displayed to many visitors and adopted in Prussia. Early in his career, Diesterweg was one of those who praised the system. In 1827, 1832 and 1835 he expressed appreciation for the system because of its discipline, maintenance of order, its grading system, etc. After an educational journey to Denmark in 1836, however, his attitude toward the system changed. He published his criticisms in a treatise called "An Educational Journey to Denmark." This then began the Pedagogical Disputes between Diesterweg and the system's supporters. While there were many points that were disputed, the key point was centered on teaching organization. Diesterweg criticized the system because the system inhibited the teacher's instruction by dividing pupils into too many groups. Within his criticism there was a grave "misunderstanding" confusing instructional organization with practice organization or the grading, for which he was severely criticized by his opponents. Behind this misunderstanding there was a more important observation concerning teaching organization. This was based on the educational relationship between teacher and pupils, not on relationships between pupils. According to Diesterweg, the teacher-pupil relationship should be based on the teacher's intellect and morality ; in other words, his entire personality. From this point of view, Diesterweg envisioned an instructional organization where one teacher instructs all pupils ("simultaneous instruction"). To this purpose, he proposed to divide a school into several classes ("multi-class school"), each class taught by one instructor. This was an early version of "class instruction" that was to be established in Prussia's elementary school in the 1870s. Diesterweg's ideas sought to combine class instruction with teacher training. Class, simultaneous instruction and teacher training formed a trinity centered on the instructor. It was assumed that class instruction guaranteed a teacher's influence over his pupils because the latter's "attention is paid only to the teacher". Thus class instruction was devised not only as a way of teaching but also as a space where the dual functions of instruction and discipline unfold.
- 教育史学会の論文
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