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Many substances have pivotal effect on neurotransmission at the neuromuscular junction. Most important one which physiologically acts in the presynaptic side is calcium ion. Binding to calcium. calmodulin plays significant roles in cellular regulation. In this paper, effect of calmodulin on the neurotransmission was electrophysiologically investigated by intracellular microelectrode technique using specific calmodulin-inhibitors. Calmodulininhibitors increased the frequency of the miniature end-plate potential (MEPP) calcium-dependently and decreased the amplitude without any effect on the quantal component. It was suggested that intracellular calcium ion and cyclic AMP which might be accumulated by the inhibition of calmodulin enhanced acetylcholine (ACh) release in the nerve terminal and the decrement in the amplitude was also attributed to the action of the inhibitors on calmodulin in the post-synapse. Clinically one of the important substances affecting neurotransmission is anti-acetylcholinereceptor-antibody (ACh-R-Ab), which carries muscular easy-fatiguability by binding to acetylcholine receptor (ACh-R). ACh-R-Ab was measured in the serum of the patients with myasthenia gravis. Effect of ACh-R-Ab on the neurotransmission was also investigated by the intracellular microelectrode technique, which revealed that the antibody reversibly blocked the transmission in the ACh-R. The titer of the antibody was correlated with the severity of the disease. Therefore it was concluded that the detection and the quantitation of ACh-R-Ab was essential to the diagnosis and the therapy of myasthenia gravis.
- 神戸大学の論文
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