PB-69 Dynamic of greenhouse gases emission and bacteria communities in a corn field applied with different fertilizers in South Sulawesi, Indonesia(Agricultural soil ecosystem,Session B,(1) Poster Presentation)
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 日本微生物生態学会の論文
- 2006-10-27
Inubushi Kazuyuki
Faculty Of Horticulture Chiba University
Inubushi Kazuyuki
Faculty Of Agriculture The University Of Tokyo
Inubushi Kazuyuki
Chiba Univ. Chiba Jpn
Inubushi Kazuyuki
Grad. Sch. Hort. Chiba Univ.
Inubushi K
Faculty Of Horticulture Chiba University
Inubushi Kazuyuki
Graduate School Of Science And Technology Chiba University
YAGI Kazuyuki
National Institute for Agro-environmental Sciences
OSLAN Jumadi
Graduate School of Science and Technology, Chiba University
HALA Yusminah
Department of Biology, Makassar State University
Department of Biology, Makassar State University
ALI Alimuddin
Department of Biology, Makassar State University
Department of Biology, Makassar State University
Ali Alimuddin
Muis Abd
Department Of Biology Faculty Of Mathematics And Natural Science Makassar State University
Jumadi Oslan
Graduate School Of Science And Technology Chiba University:department Of Biology Faculty Of Mathemat
Jumadi Oslan
Chiba Univ.:dept. Of Biology Makassar State Univ.
Ali Alimuddin
Department Of Biology Faculty Of Mathematics And Natural Science Makassar State University
Hala Yusminah
Department Of Biology Faculty Of Mathematics And Natural Science Makassar State University
Yagi Kazuyuki
National Institute For Agro-environmental Science (niaes)
Muis Abd.
Department Of Biology Makassar State University
Yagi Kazuyuki
National Institute For Aero-environmental Sciences
Palennari Muhiddin
Department Of Biology Faculty Of Mathematics And Natural Science Makassar State University
Inubushi Kazuyuki
千葉大 大学院
Yagi Kazuyuki
National Inst. For Agro‐environmental Sci. Ibaraki Jpn
- Measurement of concentrations of trace metals in arable soils with animal manure application using instrumental neutron activation analysis and the concentrated acid digestion method(Environment)
- Accumulation of Zinc and Copper in an Arable Field after Animal Manure Application (Environment)
- 6-3 Evaluation of Fungal N_2O Production in Boreal Peat as Soil AmendmentImre Vano
- 8-2 Selection of root-associated fungal endophytes from Ericaceae plants to enhance blueberry seedling growth
- 17-3 Effect of different organic amendments and ferrous sulfate application on the mycorrhizal infection of highbush blueberry root system
- Properties of Microbial Biomass in Acid Soils and Their Turnover
- Spatial variability of nitrous oxide emissions and their soil-related determining factors in an agricultural field.
- Production Potential and Emission of Methane in Flooded Rice Soil Microcosms after Continuous Application of Straws
- Methanogenic Characteristics of Flooded Rice Soils in Response to Glucose Amendment
- Mitigation options for N_2O emission from a corn field in Kalimantan, Indonesia(Environment)
- PB-69 Dynamic of greenhouse gases emission and bacteria communities in a corn field applied with different fertilizers in South Sulawesi, Indonesia(Agricultural soil ecosystem,Session B,(1) Poster Presentation)
- S23-3 Effect of fertilizer types on greenhouse gases emission from corn crop in Indonesia
- Emission of N_2O and CO_2 and Uptake of CH_4 in Soil from a Satsuma Mandarin Orchard under Mulching Cultivation in Central Japan
- Transport of Trace Elements through the Hyphae of an Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungus into Marigold Determined by the Multitracer Technique
- Uptake of 15 Trace Elements in Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Marigold Measured by the Multitracer Technique
- Decomposition and CO_2-C Evolution of Okara, Sewage Sludge, Cow and Poultry Manure Composts in Soils (Soil Biology)
- Microbial biomass and nitrogen transformations in surface soils strongly acidified by volcanic hydrogen sulfide deposition in Osorezan, Japan(Soil Biology)
- Atmospheric Acidic Pollutants at Mt. Tsukuba, Japan, Determined Using a Portable Filter Pack Sampler
- Effect of elevated CO_2 and temperature on microbial biomass nitrogen and nitrogen mineralization in submerged soil microcosms
- Carbon Dynamics in Submerged Soil Microcosms as Influenced by Elevated CO_2 and Temperature
- Effects of Land-Use Change in Tropical Peat Soil on the Microbial Population and Emission of Greenhouse Gases
- 24-24 Emissions of Greenhouse Gasses from Tropical Peatlands
- Depression of methane production potential in paddy soils by subsurface drainage systems(Environment)
- Effectiveness of a subsurface drainage system in poorly drained paddy fields on reduction of methane emissions(Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Agroecosystems in Monsoon Asia)
- CH_4 production potential in a paddy soil exposed to atmospheric CO_2 enrichment(Environment)
- P23-15 CH_4 and CO_2 production potential in a rice paddy soil exposed to atmospheric CO_2 enrichment
- 6-10 Microbial activity and diversity in floodwater and surface soil layers of paddy fields under Free Air Carbon dioxide Enrichment (FACE)
- Effect of Free-Air CO_2 Enrichment (FACE) on Microbial Biomass in Paddy Field Soil
- 24-6 Dynamics of soil microbial biomass carbon and nitrogen in paddy soil as influenced by free air CO_2 enrichment
- 24-17 N_2O production and consumption in relation to enzyme and microbial activities in Andosol profile
- Mineralization of Nitrogen and N_2O Production Potentials in Acid Forest Soils under Controlled Aerobic Conditions
- P23-2 インドネシアおよびタイ水田からのメタン放出と水管理の影響 : 室内モデル実験と広域評価(ポスター紹介,23.地球環境,日本土壌肥料学会 2005年度大会講演要旨集)
- 7-1 Potential of benomyl-resistant mutant of Penicillium sp. EU0013, for enhancing plant growth and biological control of Fusarium wilt diseases
- EASILY DECOMPOSABLE ORGANIC MATTER IN PADDY SOIL : VI Kinetics of Nitrogen Mineralization in Submerged Soils
- EASILY DECOMPOSABLE ORGANIC MATTER IN PADDY SOIL : IV. Relationship between Reduction Process and Organic Matter Decomposition
- Influences of Chemical Fertilizers and a Nitrification Inhibitor on Greenhouse Gas Fluxes in a Corn (Zea mays L.) Field in Indonesia
- 1-08 Dynamics of microbial communities in Indonesian rice soil upon addition of straw and its potential to produce greenhouse gases(Agricultural ecosystem,Oral presentaion)
- Production and Emission of Nitrous Oxide and Responsible Microorganisms in Upland Acid Soil in Indonesia
- 24-13 Contributions of rice plant, its derivatives, rice straw amendment and peat parent material on fate of methane in submerged peat soil
- 24-5 Mechanism involved in the dynamics of CH_4 and N_2O in drained peat paddy soil
- Effect of Soil Type, Applications of Chicken Manure and Effective Microorganisms on Corn Yield and Microbial Properties of Acidic Wetland Soils in Indonesia
- Stabilization of Chemical and Biochemical Characteristics of Grass Straw and Leaf Mix during In-Vessel Composting with and without Seeding Material
- Methane Production after Liming to Tropical Acid Peat Soil
- 21-1 Laboratory scale composting of leaves of Eupatorium adenophorum and Lantana camara
- Changes in the pH of TWo Different Composts Are Dependent on the Production of Organic Acids
- Influence of Plant Residues after Steam-Treatment with High Temperature and Pressure on Soil Microbial Biomass C and N, Water-Soluble C and N, and pH
- 21-6 Reduction of Phytotoxicity in Okara Compost during the Process of Decomposition
- Automated sampling system for long-term monitoring of nitrous oxide and methane fluxes from soils(Environment)
- Time-lagged induction of N_2O emission and its trade-off with NO emission from a nitrogen fertilized Andisol(Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Agroecosystems in Monsoon Asia)
- Estimations of emission factors for fertilizer-induced direct N_2O emissions from agricultural soils in Japan : Summary of available data(Environment)
- P23-4 Dynamics of dissolved CH4, N2O and CO2 in rhizospheric and non-rhizospheric soils as affected N supply and water management
- Microbial Biomass and Activities along an Andosol Profile in Relation to Soil Organic Matter Level
- Biocontrol efficiency of Fusarium wilt diseases by a root-colonizing fungus Penicillium sp.
- Effects of rice straw application, rice planting and soil characteristics on methane flux in a pot experiment
- Methane Emission from Rice Paddy Fields in the Central Plain of Thailand
- Measurements of CH_4 and N_2O Emissions from Rice Paddies in Fengqiu, China
- P23-7 東南アジア水田土壌のメタン生成活性とメタン放出量との関係(ポスター紹介,23.地球環境,2010年度北海道大会)
- Methane Emission from Paddy Fields and its Mitigation Options on a Field Scale
- Is burial of wheat straw in ditches a way to reduce CH_4 emissions from rice cultivation?(Environment)
- Measurement of ammonia volatilization loss using a dynamic chamber technique : A case study of surface-incorporated manure and ammonium sulfate in an upland field of light-colored Andosol(Environment)
- Nitrogen Oxide Emissions and Soil Microbial Activities in a Japanese Andisol as Affected by N-Fertilizer Management(Environment)
- 1-17 Close relationship between NO emissions and soil microbial activities in a Japanese Andisol
- Comparative Effects of Osmotic and Ionic Stresses on Yield and Biomass Accumulation in IR64 Rice Variety(Plant Nutrition)
- 23-11 ロシア、ウラル山脈南部のアルカイムにおける温室効果ガスの動態と土壌微生物性 : 耕作履歴や土壌年代の違いが及ぼす影響(23.地球環境,2010年度北海道大会)
- P23-6 東南アジア水田土壌の理化学性、特に鉄含量がメタン生成活性に及ぼす影響(ポスター紹介,23.地球環境,2010年度北海道大会)
- P23-5 東南アジア水田土壌の理化学性、特に有機物含量がメタン生成活性に及ぼす影響(ポスター紹介,23.地球環境,2010年度北海道大会)
- 23-13 Basal nitrogen fertilization affected nitrous oxide and nitric oxide emissions
- Development of a System for Simultaneous and Continuous Measurement of Carbon Dioxide, Methane and Nitrous Oxide Fluxes from Croplands Based on the Automated Closed Chamber Method (Environment)
- 24-26 Effects of elevated CO_2 and N availability on biological N_2 fixation and soil microbial biomass in paddy field
- Drought response of dry-seeded rice to water stress timing and N-fertilizer rates and sources(Soil Fertility)
- N_2O and N_2 Production Potential in Various Chinese Agricultural Soils by Denitrification(Environment)
- Response to Salinity in Rice : Comparative Effects of Osmotic and Ionic Stresses(Crop Physiology and Ecology)
- Dynamics of Microbial Biomass Nitrogen as Influenced by Organic Matter Application in Paddy Fields : I. Fate of Fertilizer and Soil Organic N Determined by ^N Tracer Technique
- Measurements of Microbial Biomass C and N in Paddy Soils by the Fumigation-Extraction Method
- Effects of Organic Matter Application on Microbial Biomass and Available Nutrients in Various Types of Paddy Soils
- Effect of Application of Iron Materials on Methane and Nitrous Oxide Emissions from Two Types of Paddy Soils(Environment)
- Influence of steam-treated grass clippings on grass growth, drainage water quality and soil microbial properties in a simulated golf course(Fertilizers and Soil Amendments)
- Microbial Eco-Physiology of Degrading Aral Sea Wetlands : Consequences for C-Cycling(Soil Biology)
- Evaluation of Slag Application to Decrease Methane Emission from Paddy Soil and Fate of Iron
- Effects of Temperature on Population Growth and N Mineralization of Soil Bacteria and a Bacterial-feeding Nematode
- Biocontrol efficiency of Fusarium wilt diseases by a root-colonizing fungus Penicillium sp.(Soil Biology)
- Comparison of indirect nitrous oxide emission through lysimeter drainage between an Andosol upland field and a Fluvisol paddy field(Environment)
- Upward diffusion of nitrous oxide produced by denitrification near shallow groundwater table in the summer : a lysimeter experiment(Environment)
- Combined emission of CH_4 and N_2O from a paddy field was reduced by preceding upland crop cultivation(Environment)
- 23-8 東南アジア水田土壌の理化学性とメタン生成活性の関係(23.地球環境)
- 23-9 製鋼スラグがベトナム水田での収量とメタン放出量に及ぼす影響(23.地球環境)
- Long-term effect of urea application on nitrous oxide emission and soil microbes in the tropics(The annal Meeting of the Society in 2007)
- Effects of rice straw application, rice planting and soil characteristics on methane flux in a pot experiment
- Nitrous oxide production and community structure of ammonium oxidizer bacteria in Shizuoka tea soil(The annal Meeting of the Society in 2007)
- Effect of elevated CO_2 and temperature on microbial biomass nitrogen and nitrogen mineralization in submerged soil microcosms
- CH_4 and CO_2 entrapped in rice soil as Influenced by elevated CO_2(The annual Meeting of the Society in 2004)
- Effects of elevated CO_2 on CH_4, and N_2O emissions from submerged rice soil(The Annual Meeting of the Society in 2003)
- Effect of land use management of tropical peatlands on microbial population and emission of greenhouse gases(The Annual Meeting of the Society in 2000)
- Lime-nitrogen application reduces N_2O emission from a vegetable field with imperfectly-drained sandy clay-loam soil(Environment)