サル歯肉線維芽細胞によるコラーゲン線維の貪食に関する研究 : とくに実験的歯肉炎の動態からみて
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This histological study was undertaken to examine the process of collagen phagocytosis by fibroblasts in gingival connective tissue in experimental gingivitis. Both in vivo and in vitro studies were done by means of electron microscopy and histochemistry. Gin-packs (No. 2) were ligated around the necks of [figure] teeth from 0 to 30 days in an adult male Macaca irus monkey that was maintained on soft food and water. At 30 days, the Gin-pack removed from [figure] teeth neck, and the monkey was given hard food for 3 days with the object of healing the gingivitis. Gingival biopsy specimens were taken at day 0 ([figure]), day 9 ([figure]), day 30 ([figure]) and day 33 ([figure]) and were studied at light microscopic and ultrastructural levels. In attempt to demonstrate the phagocytic nature of intracytoplasmic vacuoles, monolayer cultures of human gingival fibroblasts were incubated with collagen fibers for 6 days and were observed with an electron microscope. Some sample were examined at the ultrastructural level for acid phosphatase activity. The following results were obtained: 1) [figure]: There was no evidence of inflammatory changes. About 30% of the fibroblasts within the connective tissue contained banded collagen fibrils. 2) [figure]: A variety of inflammatory cells (neutrophils, lymphocytes and mast cells) were found. Fibroblasts were increased in number compared with those in [figure]. About 20% of the fibroblasts within the connective tissue cotained banded collagen fibrils. 3) [figure]: Another cell type, the plasma cells, was found. The number of fibroblasts was decreased and intracellular collagen fibrils were not observed. [figure] fibroblasts and intracellular collagen fibrils were increased in number compared with those in [figure]. 4) The vacuoles in fibroblasts containing collagen fibrils showed a positive acid phosphatase reaction. These results strongly suggest that the intracellular vacuolee are phagosomes and the phagocytosed collagen fibrils are digested by lysosomal enzymes. The subjective data showing that the majority of collagenphagocytosing fibroblasts were resting rather than actively synthesizing cells indicates that the phagocytosis of collagen by fibroblasts occurred mostty in stabilized tissues. In all likelihood, the fibroblasts obtained at all time periods of the study are of the same origin and differ in response to their local environment.
- 特定非営利活動法人日本歯周病学会の論文
- 1982-12-28
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- サル歯肉線維芽細胞によるコラーゲン線維の貪食に関する研究 : とくに実験的歯肉炎の動態からみて