- 論文の詳細を見る
To investigate the relationship between skill level and stick work pattern in playing a snare drum, incremental load test of playing snare drum was conducted by 7 skilled and 6 unskilled players at the rate of 15 to 480 beats/min. Expired gas was then analyzed and energy expenditure was calculated. Simultaneously, 3 dimensional high speed video recording was conducted. Consequently, energy demanded of skilled group was significantly lower than that of unskilled group at 480 beats/min. Then the vertical displacement of the center of gravity concerning both upper limb and drumstick of skilled group was significantly smaller. And, on both skilled and unskilled groups, after the center of gravity of drumstick reached its highest point, drumstick tip reached its highest point, successively; the time interval from the former highest point to the latter of the skilled group was significantly longer than that of the unskilled group. This fact means that, concerning skilled group, due to the rotatory motion of drumstick by applying wrist shot and finger shot, contrarily to mainly translational motion in unskilled group, sound pressure level was enabled to equalize to that of unskilled group. The effect, i.e. rotatory motion compensated the low potential energy and short stroke due to small vertical displacement, made the mechanical efficiency of skilled group higher.
- 2005-12-25
松原 周信
Laboratory Of Health Science Department Of Food Sciences And Nutritional Heath Faculty Of Human Envi
松原 周信
西村 健次
西村 健次
Laboratory Of Health Science Department Of Food Sciences And Nutritional Heath Faculty Of Human Envi
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