- 論文の詳細を見る
Five skilled and 5 unskilled subjects played a snare drum at a rate of 480 bpm after sitting at rest for 6 minutes, then snare drum dynamics were changed from pianissimo, mezzo forte, to fortissimo successively every 3 minutes. The motions were recorded by 2 high-speed video cameras, and 3-dimensional coordinates were calculated using a 3-dimensional DLT method. At the same time, the EMG of the extensor and flexor of the radiocarpal joint, and the acceleration of the mid finger were recorded. Expired gas was simultaneously analyzed to calculate energy expenditure. Accordingly, as the feature was more remarkable at a high sound level, fortissimo was examined in detail by comparing the movement of the skilled group with that of the unskilled group. Although the vertical displacement range of the stick, the speed of the stick tip, and the equivalent sound level did not significantly differ in both groups, the displacement ranges of the hand, forearm, and mid arm, and the energy demand were significantly smaller in the skilled group than in the unskilled group. According to the acceleration data, finger shot was utilized in the skilled group. Furthermore, EMG and video images indicated that the movement of the skilled group was in general earlier and that they utilized the rebound of the stick more effectively.
- 2007-12-25
松原 周信
Laboratory Of Health Science Department Of Food Sciences And Nutritional Heath Faculty Of Human Envi
西村 健次
Laboratory Of Health Science Department Of Food Sciences And Nutritional Heath Faculty Of Human Envi
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