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Changes in income structure in Japan are characterized by these tendencies among others: 1) they raflect the change in employment structure where the dominant type of income has shifted from that of the self-employed to that of employees; 2) the process of Japan to become a so-called propertied state is projected, with the share of personal assets income significantly increasing, and 3) corporate income is steadly maintained, constituting a necessary condition for sustained growth. In connection with this income structure, it is is notabld in Japan that labor's relative share is shrinking on a long-term basis and the primary income differentials among individual citizens are narrowing in many aspects. The former reflects the qualitative change in industrial structure from a labor-intensive to a capital-intensive pattern, and the latter indicates that a rise in income level, which is a general characteristic of growth, is accompanied by the elimination of a low income stratum in the process of demand-supply balancing in the labor market, where the supply used to be in excess. As growth has decelerated in recent years, there also has emerged a trend for structural stabilization matching the lower rate of growth, accompanied by a slowdown in the narrowing of various income gaps. Since the injustice of income distribution is a priority object of corrective intervention by the government, redistribution becomes a theme for policy making. The progressive income tax system and social security systems, though each has its own objectives, have effectively functioned together to position Japan rather high among the countries of the world in the fairness of income distribution. However, the fact that this fairness is undermined due to the assets aspect is a problem. Because the share of assets income is growing, the need to address this problem is an urgent one.
- 日本大学の論文
- 1992-03-20
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