- 論文の詳細を見る
The phytosociological study was carried out about the beech forest on the northern part of Kanto district. This area is the boundary area between the Pacific-type and the Japan seatype climate. And reflecting its climatic characteristics, the beech forest that distributes there has two types. One is the Pacific-type beech forest, Miricacalio-Fagetum crenatae in Mount Akagi and Fagetum crenato-japonici in the lower part of the mountain area. And the other is Japan sea-type beech forest, Hamamellido-Fagetum crenatae and Aucubo-Fagetum crenatae that grow in the deep snowcover ground. Crassinodi-line that means the annual maximum depth of snowcover, 50cm, is passing this area and the north side of this line is area of Japan sea-type beech forest and the south side is area of Pacific-type beech forest. However, as for the species combination, vegetation unit that distributes in the south side is the Pacific-type arid the one in the north side is the Japan seatype. In the source area of Tone River with the annual maximum depth of snowcover more than 4m, we can see the beech forest that has the shrub-like form that does not stand erect. In comparison with Japan sea-type beech forest and the one of Pacific-type of the southern part of Kanto district, as for the number of species of the tree layer and also subtree layer, Japan sea-type is less than Pacific-type. On the other hand, as for the herb layer, Japan sea-type is trend that has more species than Pacific-type.
- 横浜国立大学の論文
- 1999-03-31
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