- 論文の詳細を見る
The general pourpose of the present investigation was to study the expectancy effect on Experimenter's behavior proposed by Rosenthal, R. (1964) as well as the effect of Subject's role on the interpersonal non-intentional communication of the two. 1. Procedure: 18 female undergraduate experimenters employing a Taffel-type task conducted a verbal conditioning experiment with 87 male undergraduate subjects. For half the experimenters, the instructions claimed that their subjects had such personality characteristics that they would be easily conditioned. The rest of the experimenters were not especially given such instructions. In addition, the subjects in each group were divided into two subgroups-apprehensive subjects and un-apprehensive subjects. Therefore, a 2×2 matrix was adopted in this study. 2. Results: Expectancy effect on Experimenter's behavior showed as differentiated voice expresseions (like speaking fast or vividly). Meanwhile, the awareness of subjects under non-expectancy condtion was enhanced. Apprehensive subjects caused experimenters to behave positively toward them (like nodding, smiling) and regarded experimenters favorably. At the same time they were evaluated favorably by their experimenters. How preferably the experimenters evaluated un-apprehensive subjects negatively correlated with the magunitude of verbal condtioning under expectancy condition, while under non-expectancy condition positive correlation between them was found. These findings could be explained by "Congruency Model" reported by Smith F. J. & Luginbuhl, E. R. (1976). However, this model was not necessarily sufficient for the complete explanation as apprehensive subjects got less feedback from experimenters.
- 横浜国立大学の論文
- 1978-11-30
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