幕末東海道おんな道中記『五十三次ねむりの合の手』 : 日向延岡藩主夫人内藤充真院旅日記の可笑しさについて
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Mrs. Shigeko Juhsin-in NAITOH was born at the II family's Edo-premises of Hikone province as the ninth child of Mr. Naonaka II, the 11th feudal lord of Hikone province, on May 15, 1800 (12th year of Kansei). Her first name was Mitsu and was called "Mitsu princess". Afterwards, she got married with Mr. Masayori NAITOH, the 14th feudal lord of Nobeoka province and changed her first name to Shigeko. Mr. Masayoshi NAITOH, who was the natural younger brother of both Shigeko and Mr. Naosuke II, the chief minister at the latest period of Tokugawa Shogunate, had become the 15th feudal lord of NAITOH family, because she had no child at all and Mr. Masayoshi was accepted by the NAITOH family as an adoptee from the II family. After her husband, Masayori NAITOH, died on August 21, 1834 (the 12th year of Tenpo) at his 37th year of age, she called herself "Juhsin-in", the name as a nun. She died at Shiroyama palace located at Azabu, Tokyo on October 24, 1880 (the 13th year of Meiji) at her 81st year of age. Juhsin-in was an excellent versatile and talented woman, riched in aesthetic sense in fine art and literary culture. In August, 1862 (bissextile year, 2nd year of Bunkyu), the Shogunate government of Edo relaxed the alternate-year attendance system and permitted that wives of feudal lords would come back to their own home town. Juhsin-in made 2 times round trips between Edo (Tokyo) and Nobeoka during the latest period of Edo era through the earliest Meiji era and wrote 4 travel journals. "Interlude of sleep at 53 posting stations" was her first travel journal, containing more than 50 illustrations. It is the travel journal which recorded her travel from Tokyo to Nobeoka during the period from April to June in 1863 (the 3rd year of Bunkyu). She started from the Edo premises of the NAITOH family at Roppongi on April 6 and directed to Osaka by way of Tokaido road. Tokaido road started from Nihonbashi, Edo and ended at Sanjo Ohhashi, Kyoto. Tokaido road having total distance of 492km, included 53 posting stations, as you can easily imagine from its own nick name "Tokaido 53 tsugi", and had been the longest trunk road in Japan. Her travel group continued to proceed from Osaka on ship over Seto inland sea and arrived finally at Nobeoka on June 2 via Shimano-ura. In this travel journal, she wrote her own realistic experiences with her eyes, ears and tactile sense during this long trip, which can be evaluated to be the valuable female literary production during the Edoera.
- 明治大学の論文
- 2005-03-31
- 阿部定の訊問調書
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- 幕末東海道おんな道中記『五十三次ねむりの合の手』 : 日向延岡藩主夫人内藤充真院旅日記の可笑しさについて
- 幕末東海道おんな道中記『五十三次ねむりの合の手』--日向延岡藩主夫人内藤充真院旅日記の可笑しさについて
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