21世紀の大学を拓く生涯学習振興事業 : 明治大学刑事博物館の理念と実践について
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In Japan with the background that the life standard has been improving and the aging society has already started on a full-scale, a national interest for a leisure life and lifelong learning has been height- ening among the people. Universities in Japan are now requested to level up and promote external educational services including lifelong learning. The expectation for social contribution of universities is surely strengthening enough to enforce them to reform what they are. Under these social circumstances, the Criminal Museum of Meiji University has been promoting various kinds of promotional projects of lifelong learning. In this report I have explained how the Museum has accumulated academic information and sent it to the general public and how it will have to do from now on, after having examined the past and present outline of the Museum's activities and the history of promotional policies on lifelong learning by the government and its future possibility. In and after April, 2002, the lesson of "comprehensive learning" is scheduled to be introduced in nationwide primary schools. The Museum thinks it necessary to draw up policies to realize step by step, analyzing and examining the possibility to reinforce cooperative relation and learning activities with schools on the nationwide viewpoints. Through coordination and practices with schools, the Museum expects also to contribute to the development of education in our country and at the same time to aim at the establishment of the new activity field of the Museum.
- 明治大学の論文
- 2002-03-30
- 阿部定の訊問調書
- 阿部定の精神鑑定書
- 日本の大学博物館(一) : 北海道・東北・関東・甲信越の五二館・一九九六年九月
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- 明治大学刑事博物館所蔵「志摩国鳥羽藩稲垣家文書」について
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- 日本の大学博物館(二) : 東京の三八館・一九九七年九月
- 日本のユニバーシティ・ミュージアム2006
- 海外のユニバーシティ・ミュージアム(北米編)
- 日本のユニバーシティ・ミュージアム
- 資料 日本のユニバーシティ・ミュージアム
- 日本のユニバーシティ・ミュージアム
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- 幕末東海道おんな道中記『五十三次ねむりの合の手』--日向延岡藩主夫人内藤充真院旅日記の可笑しさについて
- 21世紀の大学を拓く生涯学習振興事業 : 明治大学刑事博物館の理念と実践について
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- 試論「大学博物館」考 : 明治大学博物館に関する七章節