- 論文の詳細を見る
The Criminal Museum of Meiji University is to place the Inagaki Family Documents of the Toba Clan in Shima Province (present Mie Prefecture) on exhibition. On this occasion, we would like to make some comments on it. The Inagaki Family of the Toba Clan, an original owner of the documents, had begun with the first visit of Akikata Inagaki to Toba from Karasuyama in Shimotsuke Province in Kyohho 10 (1725). Since then, the Family had been succeeded by Akinaka, Nagamochi, Nagatsugu, Nagakata, Nagaaki, Nagayuki, and Nagahiro as a hereditary feudal lord to hold a fief yielding 30, 000 koku. It experienced the abolition of the clan system in Meiji 4 after a reform of the Restoration. The Clan was small, but the geographical position made it a key place in the closing days of the Tokugawa government, when an alarm for international crisis was rung. Toba facing Ise Bay is a strategic point of distribution between Edo and Ohsaka as a port to wait for a favorable wind. Also, the Ise Shrine locates behind Toba. The Criminal Museum has purchased a bunch of these historical documents through a secondhand bookstore, but the details are unknown. Contents of the documents suggest that they had been kept in the hands of the liege lords. Consequently, unlike formal documents of the clan government, we have to point out that the documents can hardly show us the administration or financial situation of the Clan and information about the vassalic people. A book, "Mie Ken Shi (History of Mie Prefecture)", shiryohhen (compilation of data), kinsei 4 (modern times 4), johge (the first and the second volumes), published in 1999, is supposed to be the latest result as historical materials with respect to the Toba Clan. The book is substantial enough in both quality and quantity. It contains historical materials taking broad view of things, not only within the Clan but also nationwide issues, focusing on politics, society, finance in the closing days of the Tokugawa government and in the Meiji Restoration period. According to the comments, the collected documents consist of historical materials held by the whole family and by the districts. In conclusion, the documents concerned is supposed to be helpful for study development covering the deficiencies of other books, using it together with the latest outcome of "Mie Ken Shi (History of Mie Prefecture)" that will be continually published.
- 明治大学の論文
- 2000-03-31
- 阿部定の訊問調書
- 阿部定の精神鑑定書
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