- 論文の詳細を見る
Ms. ABE Sada' s case is the one which happened in May, 1936 and was reported as a very bizarre murder case. On May 18, a male corpse whose private part was cut off was found in a Japanese restaurant located at Oku-town, Arakawa-ward in Tokyo. The man, Mr. ISHIDA Kichizo (42 years old), run a Japanese restaurant and ABE Sada (32 years old), his lover, proved to have killed him. Sada had worked as a geisha or a prostitute from her teens and lived in Kichizo' s restaurant as a resident maid in February, 1935. Kichizo and Sada entered into a loving relationship, which was known to Kichizo's family. At the end of April the couple run away from Kichizo' s restaurant and settled down in a Japanese restaurant situated at Oku-town on May 11. She thought that there was no other way than to kill him to keep him to herself for ever and strangled him with a waist string a little after a.m.02:00 on May 18. After having strangled, she cut off his private part with a butcher knife, wrapped it in paper, held into her bosom and disappeared early in the morning. But, she was arrested at a Japanese hotel in front of the Shinagawa Station on May 20 and sentenced the punishment of penal servitude for 6 years in December. This case attracted very strong interest widely in the town. Having obtained the materials of this case by chance, I reprint the expert opinion in writing on Sada' s mental conditions.
- 2003-03-31
- 阿部定の訊問調書
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