High Field ESR and Magnetization in Na_2Co_2 (C_2O_4)_3(H_2O)_2(Condensed matter: electronic structure and electrical, magnetic, and optical properties)
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We report the results of electron spin resonance (ESR) and magnetization measurements in high magnetic fields up to about 52T on single crystal and powder samples of the cobalt compound Na_2Co_2(C_2O_4)_3(H_2O)_2 which consists of two-leg ladders of Co^<2+> ions. This compound was reported to be a candidate which show a signature of a quantum phase transition from a spin-liquid to a Neel ordered state [Z. Honda et al.: Phys. Rev. Lett. 95 (2005) 087204]. From our ESR and magnetization experiments, we, however, have found that the compound is well described by almost isolated antiferromagnetic dimers which are formed by the nearest Co spins on the rungs and the interaction along the rung direction is much larger than that along the leg one. The ESR frequency-field diagram, magnetic susceptibility and magnetization are in good agreement with those calculated from this isolated dimer model.
- 社団法人日本物理学会の論文
- 2006-12-15
KINDO Koichi
Institute for Solid State Physics, University of Tokyo
KINDO Koichi
The Institute for Solid State Physics, The University of Tokyo
KIMURA Shojiro
KYOKUGEN, Osaka University
KYOKUGEN, Osaka University
Kindo Koichi
The Institute For Solid State Physics The University Of Tokyo
Kindo Koichi
Institute For Solid State Physics The University Of Tokyo
Kimura Shojiro
Kyokugen Osaka University
Hagiwara Masayuki
Riken (the Institute Of Physical And Chemical Research):graduate School Of Integrated Science Yokoha
KYOKUGEN, Osaka University
HONDA Zentaro
Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Saitama University
NAKAGAWA Yoshiyuki
KYOKUGEN (Center for Quantum Science and Technology under Extreme Conditions), Osaka University
KYOKUGEN (Center for Quantum Science and Technology under Extreme Conditions), Osaka University
HONDA Zentaro
Faculty of Engineering, Saitama University
Faculty of Engineering, Saitama University
Hagiwara Makoto
Faculty Of Engineering Yokohama National University
Hagiwara Makoto
Department Of Electronics And Information Science Faculty Of Engineering And Design Kyoto Institute
Kimura S
Kyokugen Osaka University
Kashiwagi Takanari
Kyokugen (center For Quantum Science And Technology Under Extreme Conditions) Osaka University
Nakagawa Yoshiyuki
Kyokugen (center For Quantum Science And Technology Under Extreme Conditions) Osaka University:(pres
Hagiwara Masayuki
Kyokugen Osaka University
Hori M
Department Of Physics Tokyo Institute Of Technology
Honda Zentaro
Faculty Of Engineering Saitama University
Kimura S
Osaka Univ. Toyonaka
Hagiwara Masayuki
Kyokugen (center For Quantum Science And Technology Under Extreme Conditions) Osaka University
Yamaguchi Hironori
Kyokugen (center For Quantum Science And Technology Under Extreme Conditions) Osaka University
Honda Zentaro
Saitama Univ. Saitama
Yamada Koji
Faculty Of Engineering Saitama University
Kimura Shojiro
Kyokugen (center For Quantum Science And Technology Under Extreme Conditions) Osaka University
Kimura Shojiro
KYOKUGEN (Center for Quantum Science and Technology under Extreme Conditions), Osaka University
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