8 極限解析に於ける組織的モーメント分配法に就て
- 論文の詳細を見る
After the plastic Moment-distribution Method by hand computation of J.M. English (1953) and M.R. Horne (1954), appeard the systematic one of J. Heyman (1959) in which involue high-speed digital computers. Heyman's Method have following good points that is able to applied limit analysis and designs, obtained correct solution by limited steps as well as Linear Programming Method (L.P.), finally the physical means of calculation is very clear. Howevr, this Method's weak points is as follows: We can't make a prediction about number of steps, and feel difficalt to adapt the criterion of Step II so-called for calculating machine. In order that save these weak points, the present writer has tried changing this method into a procedure of re-distribution of residual momnts, and restrict the moment distribution of first step. Consequently, the presented criterions are able to obtained always hinematically admisible multiplier smaller than preceeding steps by the Method of Trg and Error and to carried correct solution in the step of redundancies from the first by the Autmatical Method. (1961. 11.)
- 社団法人日本建築学会の論文
- 1962-03-25
- 273 鉄骨シェルの実験的研究について(構造)
- 南極地域観測隊建物
- 昭和基地建物の不燃化に伴う構造材料としての石膏の力学的特性
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- 78 変形法による棒パネル構造理論と南極基地パネルの実験(2)(第1部(構造力学・構造法関係))
- 77 変形法による棒パネル構造理論と南極基地パネルの実験(1)(第1部(構造力学・構造法関係))
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- 塑性骨組の組織的な極限設計法 : Heyman-Prager法の機構条件による組織化
- 8 極限解析に於ける組織的モーメント分配法に就て
- 2029 骨組のベクトル解析とL.P.の応用(構造)
- 2026 骨組の塑性変形とLinear Programming(構造)
- 240 Relaxation Methodによる立体トラスの解法(構造)
- 234 立体置換トラスの適合条件
- 226 部材角を消去した節点方程式とその固定法
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