サービス産業の分類に関する一考察 : サービス経済化の性格付けに関連して
- 論文の詳細を見る
1. In this paper, we analyze the trend of Japan Standard Industry Classification in 2002, and see that it reflects the economic trend towards service economy and computerization. 2. We ascertain the importance of not only the material production but also the nonmaterial production, and further more we point out the importance of making clear the character of the labor process in those production, by examining the typical view (prof. Kaneko, Wtanabe and Isagai) in the productive- and the service labor dispute. 3. It remains to be proved that clarification the relation between the Consumtive-preduction (production of a human-being) concept, and the productive-; non-productive labor theory. 4. This paper is the sequel of my thesis in the 6th volume (1999) of Journal of Social and Information Studies of this faculty.
- 群馬大学の論文
- 2006-03-31
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