<原著論文>オーストラリアにおける政府開発援助(ODA)の性格変化 : 1980年代以降の「商業主義化」の傾向について
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This paper is an attempt of general consideration for the Official DevelopmentAssis-tance(ODA) of Australia in recent years The results are as follows. (1) While there has been a little increase in the volume of aid, we can see a long term decline in it, as its ratio to GDP and government outlays "This indicates that party policies do not determine aid volumes" in Australia (N. Viviani). (2) The Grand Element of Australia's aid is 100%. (3) Papua New Guinea (PNG), Australia's former colony, as been the largest single recipient of aid. Before its independence in 1975,it accounted for about60-70% of the aid program but now about one-fifth. (4) Other bilateral country programs, allocation to Southeast Asia and China, have increased more rapidly in comparison to allocation to emergencies and refugees and to international organisations. (5) This reflects mainly emphasis on support for commercial activities (principally the Development Import Finance Facility, DIFF). It is clear that there has been a significant shift. Towards commercial interest in Australia's aid program. (6) As the commercialization of aid has been caused by the severe Australian economic restructuring to the rapid changing in international economic situation these tendencies will continue in the long run.
- 群馬大学の論文
- 1997-03-19
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- オーストラリアにおける政府開発援助(ODA)の性格変化 : 1980年代以降の「商業主義化」の傾向について