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Hitherto, the aim of the Common Agricultural Policy of the European Union (EU) has been focused on maximizing the production, which has tended to be resulted in the adoption of the intensive production methods. This policy, which has been quite successful in achieving increased production, has brought about vast amount of detrimental effects on the environment. Intensive agricultural production has inevitably resulted in the increased use of chemical fertilizers, and more significantly large numbers of livestock were enforced to be concentrated on small areas of land. In some regions of the EU, intensive livestock production has led to a structural excess of the quantities of manure produced. In other words land has been deposited with the amount of manure which can not be disposed of without causing grave nitrate pollution. In 1991 the EU Council adopted the Nitrates Directive, seeking to reduce water pollution caused by nitrates from agricultural sources with the intention of preventing further such pollution. Obviously this was an important step in the development of water policy of the EU. But most of the Member States have failed to put the Directive into implementation. In certain quarters there has been some strong resistance to the requirements of the Directive. Consequently, the pollution of waters by nitrates has continued to be a fatal problem in the EU. The EU Commission considers the present situation to be an extremely grave one. Therefore, it is essential for the Commission to seek all the means that may be proper for generating the necessary pressure for implementation.
- 鹿児島大学の論文
- 2000-03-01
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