- 論文の詳細を見る
The Agricultural Basic Law of 1961 aimed to ensure firstly that agricultural productivity shall increase large enough to reduce the gap in productivities between agriculture and other industries and secondly that the agricultural professionals shall be able to earn incomes permitting them a standard of living comparable to that of those who are engaged in other industries. To achieve these aims, the law dictated that the state should take all the necessary measures, including the enlargement of farm-size, which is to be executed to improve the agricultural industry-structure ; the promotion of selective expansion of agricultural production appropiate to supply the changing demands ; and the stabilization of prices of important agricultural commodities, foreceful enough to offset the various disadvantages inherent in agriculture. Gradually, the incomes of those who are engaged in agriculture have mamaged to reach a par with those of the non-agricultural groups. Nevertheless, this has been owed largely to risings in the supplemental incomes obtainable from activities other than agriculture. Although agricultural productivity has increased steadily, the gap in productivities between agriculture and other businesses has not reduced. On the one hand, this situation may partly be attributed to the unexpectedly rapid changes in economic and social conditions during the period of high economic growth in Japan. On another hand, the following may be counted as some unfavourable factors in the changes : an increasing in opportunities for earning supplemental incomes through non-agricultural side-businesses ; a rapid increasing in the incomes of non-agricultural professions ; and a sharp increasing in the agricultural imports. The establishment of a new basic law has been deemed to be essential to ensure an appropriate response to the recent epoch-making changes in Japan, including, firstly, the changes in agriculture and rural societies ; secondly the shifting in social values toward emphasizing a comfortable, affluent lifestyle rather than the personal sacrifice indispensable for getting the maximum production output ; and thirdly, the rapid progress observable in the socio-economic internationalization. In the execution of the new policy, great attention should be paid to the following items : the creation of an economy supporting a comfortable and affluent lifestyle ; any contribution to the solution of global problems concerning food, population and the environment ; promotion of a social climate encouraging the personal initiatives and ingenuities.
- 鹿児島大学の論文
- 1999-03-31
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